MovieChat Forums > 24 (2001) Discussion > It sucks they can't do a 4-6 ep. mini-se...

It sucks they can't do a 4-6 ep. mini-series because of the whole 24 hours

The premise of this show is everything happens in a day. A 12 episode season works because you can skip 12 hours. What limits the show from doing a 4-6 episode mini-series that all the main cast could MAYBE agree on coming back to is shorter filming. But the whole 24 hours in a day, I don't know how they could swing it. If some magically way it could happen it would be the best way to get closure on all the characters.


They would have to ditch the whole 24 hour, real-time premise. Maybe each episode would represent 4 hours, and then a 6-episode series would be viable.


They would have to ditch the whole 24 hour, real-time premise. Maybe each episode would represent 4 hours, and then a 6-episode series would be viable.


Yeah that's what I'm saying saying. The whole pitch of the show being each episode being an hour in real time kind of hurts them.

I kind of like your idea of maybe 4 hours per episode. They could have the ability to take planes and be more loose with time during the episode.


To compress 4 hours into an episode, they should probably make each episode 1.5 hours (2 hours with commercials).

Hopefully we haven't heard the last of Jack Bauer.


Or they could make each episode a 24 hour day. Would open things up in story.
