Why'd they write out Declan?

One of the more interesting bad turned good Characters. He was cunning, and was more of a leading character than Peter (who they tried hard with) or Sav and Eli.


I thought he wanted off the show so he could fail in Hollywood.


See how that worked out


Is that why? Lol, well yeah he didn't blow up if anything. He managed to get Hemlock Grove though, I don't how successful that's considered though, Netflix series are a anomaly on popularity scales.


I think the actor just wanted to be done. He wanted to do other things and Degrassi is pretty particular about what they require of their actors (at least from the audition sides I've read.)


Yeah they keep about 20 regulars (well they used to idk if they do now) and it seemed like a kind of you may get used or not throughout the seasons, I mean look at Owen. It seemed more on the guy (Landon) than Degrassi though, the whole Manhatten movie he and Holly J shared the spotlight with Emma and Spinner. Looked like he was going to be the leading man with Sav in Season 10 but only returned for few cameos and two short double episodes. One of which basically closed out the characters main relationship.

I thought the character was a wildcard, and was needed especially after S10 when the show really no longer cared to have one, I mean Owen was there but he never really had depth, I only watched to S12 so idk if they ever filled this void.


The eyebrows
Lol jokes


He wasn't needed. He graduated and so did Holly J leaving both in different cities.
