MovieChat Forums > Irréversible (2002) Discussion > Rapist got away with it.

Rapist got away with it.

I think one if the things that got me more than anything were the subtler hints the movie had. The man walking down tunnel during the rape and doing nothing. And then the repost standing by and smiling while they kill the man who didn't do it. It leaves you with a very helpless and hopeless feeling.


In response to your thread title "Rapist got away with it":

After finishing the movie and reflecting a bit, this was probably the worst thing to come out of this experience. I did appreciate that the director essentially took a stance against rape by showing how truly disturbing, terrible, evil, etc. that act is.

But that anti-rape message does lose some of its potency when we realize that the rapist isn't the one being punished in the final sequence.

I'm not talking about what probably happens next from a realistic POV; DNA is discovered on Alex, police identify and arrest Le Tenia, goes to court, goes to prison, and on and on. I'm talking about only what we see in the movie and the context that is presented to us. In this context, the rapist is not punished for his crime and even gets satisfaction out of witnessing the death of someone else, in his place. He has a "ha! I've eluded punishment!" moment. which is something positive for a character who only ever deserve the highest value of negative.

Maybe that's part of the "realism" the director is trying to portray, or some kind of shock factor he wanted the audience to experience when they first see Le Tenia's (the actual) face in the tunnel. Either way, it's not a message I particularly liked even though I did find the form of the story interesting.


It's not a movie's job to make you feel good about things. If Le Tenia got punished in the end the movie would lose much of its value. It would end up being another revenge flick, but told in reverse.

It is supposed to make you feel disgusted, because that's what happens every day. People have horrible things done to them and the perperator is never punished. I personally met a woman who was raped by three men and they were never caught. The rape scene in this movie made me vomit because I was reminded of this woman and I imagined her in that situation.


What a buzz killer you are.


I am truly sorry for your friend. Anyhow, I see the movie's point this way:
The rapist will get caught anyhow considering the facts given within the scenes - the transsexual prostitute knew about it, DNA will anyhow be taken from the semen of the victim, etc. Therefore there's a good chance that Le Ténia will end up in prison anway. What the movie puts into effect is the action taken by both men due to their emotional involvement in the case did not bring any satisfying result - and the inevitable outcome is that the ex-lover will be in jail for several years for brutally slaughtering an actually innocent man (the broken arm could be justified by self defense), and that's it. Even Marcus might be put to justice for assault, no matter the severed arm. Nevertheless, the truly guilty person - clearly a mysogynistic sadist - gets away from their revenge spree with nothing but a good view in his perverted mind. We humans easily tend to take subjective assumptions as given - especially when we experience unusual, traumatic situations, and tend to commit unbelievable acts in advance. In my opinion the assault scene was coequal to the rape scene in terms of anger and violence - only that both are to be seen from another perspective.


"But that anti-rape message does lose some of its potency when we realize that the rapist isn't the one being punished in the final sequence."

How does the message lose it's potency if he isn't punished? I don't know how you could lose ANY potency for your anti-rape message with THAT rape scene. In fact, if anything, allowing the attacker to escape brings this thankfully fictional story about rape into even more stark reality INCREASING the lasting power on the viewer.

Tons of rapists get away with it sadly because most victims are too afraid or traumatized to come forward, or worse, aren't believed when they do. In reality, the numbers for both situations are staggering. Why should you, the viewer, be absolved from experiencing the infinite incomplete nature to most of these crimes when the victims can't? Don't they deserve to have their story told regardless of whatever closure the universe denies them?

There's actually a very rich and interesting conversation about sexual politics happening in this film, all of it framed around the giant scope that ranges from intimate love to dehumanizing rape. How society has wired men and women for centuries now to talk about sex, to view and respond to it. For some it's a way to connect, others an escape, or even a weapon - and even THAT can vary from slightly controlling someone with your sexuality to get your way or taking someone's dignity through sexual humiliation - all in direct ignorance of sex's main create life.

This film wasn't meant to rally people against rape, but actually force people to take a long, hard, unblinking look at rape (they literally never cut away when it happens) for what it really is, where it really comes from, and how it really happens. It wants us to see what we miss when we look away from something like this, ESPECIALLY when someone gets away with it.


You may have missed part of the subtext of that early scene.

The point of him killing the wrong man 9as we later learn) is to point out how pointless the act of revenge turned out to be.

Had he killed the Tenia then it would have undermined it.

By showing that he killed the wrong guy it underlined the tragedy. All three of the leads lives are destroyed and the villain escapes unscathed - heck he actually looks happy .Given he's a true Sadist he probably enjoyed seeing the murder.

Perhaps the Tenia gets caught later - given people know his nickname it's actually fairly likely the Police know the man and when the others tell him the story they will seek him out. He left plenty of evidence at the scene. Thats not the point of the movie though, it's not about giving us a nice clean dose of righteous revenge.


The guy that did get killed was a vile piece of scum as well, though. He wasn't the one who raped Bellucci, but he was about to rape Cassel's character before he died an (probably deserved) agonizing death with the fire extinguisher.

Tenia doesn't strike me as a criminal mastermind. More of a vile, coked up small time local pimp. Trash like that seldomly survives long.

“Eagles don’t hunt flies.”



I don't think there's a message against rape in the movie, I don't think that's the point of it, I think it talks about violence getting out of control, and I think that the mistake made by Marcus and Pierre is kinda accurate for that feeling, they wanted revenge, not for justice, but for revenge, they go and look for someone by a nickname, Marcus don't even check or waits for the killed man to answer his questions.



Gaseper Noe has said in an interview what his stance on rape is: Every human being with empathy for others is against rape, there is no need to have an "anti-rape" movie. Who would that even be targeted at? Serial rapists?

Noe has stated how it's important for people to contemplate their steps, be aware of their surroundings. If anything, this film is telling you to take as many precautions as possible to help avoid situations such as this (Though, that's not the ONLY message in this film).


Le Tenia is impulsive and thoughtless. Even if he didn't get caught for the rape, he would most likely eventually get caught.

No, I'm in Touch with humanity!
-Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


I don't care what you sick realists say. No freaking way that rapist does what he did and lives.


Its a reflection of reality, thousands of women get raped and the rapist is not found.


That's a job for the news. Not movies.


Your response makes no sense. I question how people as stupid as you survived through the evolutionary process this long.


That's a job for the news. Not movies.

No, you're wrong. It's life. He got away. It happens.

I love the entitled little *beep* who say "WAAAAAH, THIS MOVIE DIDN'T GO THE WAY I WANTED IT TO". Worthless.


But at some point, he will get his comeuppance.He may of gotten away with that for now. But nobody ever gets away death.


You're wrong. I know for a FACT that some people get away with horrible atrocities.


Some might argue that's exactly the job of movies.
To show us the world how it could be AND how it is, without any sugar-coating.

Piece of sushi, birthday cake, stop sign, snow man, umbrella.


No one has mentioned it, but did not that guy who tipped off Marcus stand outside the club talking to the police? Then he would be able to identify le Tania as the rapist?


Ultimately, I think the point the director is saying with this scene is how the normally reserved, cerebral and empathetic Pierre succumbs to the base instincts of human race and just snaps and is the one who actually commits the murder via fire extinguisher. Throughout the film, he is presented as the level headed yin to Marcus' aggressive and base yang. I think Noe is making a very cynical commentary on human nature and how no matter how hard we try to bury that ugliness and violence that lies in our hearts, it can surface at any time. Chilling movie that says a lot about human nature, pointlessness of revenge, the vile acts we are capable of, man vs man child behavior and cowardice (the person who briefly witnesses the rape, but does nothing to aid Alex, one of the most subtly effective moments of the entire film in my opinion).


Sure, we all have darkness in our hearts and the world is often a violent and hostile place but we are conscious animals and we are able to make informed decisions.

So I don't think that the film was meant to be a cynical commentary on human nature but rather an example of how crucial the decisions we make can be and how our actions affect other people and the world around us.

Pierre made a choice to engage in violence, probably for a number of reasons, but his actions were on the same level of the rapist and once it was done there was no turning back.

"Christ kid, you're a weirdo."


Finding out the rapist got away with it pissed me off so much that I couldn't finish the rest of the movie. I might try watching it again, but f@ck it got to me.

Madness as you know is like gravity all it takes is a little push-The Joker


As oppose to who?


But the dude that was gonna rape his butt defo never got away with it.

