MovieChat Forums > Mortal Kombat (2021) Discussion > Disgusting... turning Liu Kang gay...

Disgusting... turning Liu Kang gay...

WTF was that?

He's born into the gutter as an orphan who becomes a child prostitute and unlocks his power after killing his pimp?!?! WTF?!

Absolutely disgusting.

And to top it all off:

1: They race-swap Mileena for no apparent reason and the actress they got was neither a good martial artist nor notable in the role. It was literally blackwashing a character to be woke and it made the character worse for it.

2: They race-swapped Raiden with a guy who could barely speak English, and sleepwalked through his role with ZERO conviction. Christopher Lambert has never been a good actor but he played Raiden with convincing charm in the 1995 film. This guy -- when you could understand him -- made no sense with his character portrayal and was 100% forgettable.

3: Reiko in the game is an awesome and formidable character with an interesting story, but here he's a yelling big man played by what looks like Nathan Jones.

4: Sonya giving the exposition about Mortal Kombat and introducing the insufferable cole to the tournament made ZERO sense.

5: Turning Liu Kang gay was disgusting.

6: Kano was the only actor in the film with charisma (and it's sad that I was actually rooting for him to win against Sonya, that's how insufferable the "good guys" were).

7: Cole's wife fighting Goro and then trying to run him over with the truck was the most feminist bullcrap I've ever seen in a movie in recent times. I nearly eye-rolled so hard I could feel my head tilting.

8: All the Scorpion stuff was fascinating, well-filmed, decently written, and choreographed but it was too little too late. The entire movie should have been themed around Scorpion; Sanada also played him well. During the first ten minutes all I could think was "This would be an awesome movie if they just focused on Hanzo turning into Scorpion and coming back to get revenge against Sub-Zero", but no we get that awful garbage with Cole and his family.

9: I hope Cole dies in the sequel so they don't add him to any future games.

10: Everyone who said the 1995 film was better was right.


If people doesn't mistake you and your best mate for a gay couple, he's not your best mate.

The best Raiden is of course Carter Wong, in Big Trouble in Little China. Since that's what Raiden is based on.


7. Wow, a woman using a car as a weapon? Yeah that’s feminism 101. Are all gamers as smart and insightful as you?


A woman using a car as a weapon against a four-armed monster who ate an axe attack and survived a barn cave-in... and she does so while the kid is in the car. What other outcome was she expecting other than to get crushed by his massive arms?


Seeing homosexual content where there isn't any and ranting about it is a textbook sign of repression.

But if we're going to wildly extrapolate, I guess we could also look at your username: First syllable CYG, not too far removed from CIG, as in Cigarette. British slang term for a cigarette is a fag.

See? Logical conclusions for all!



Yeah, OP's making more fanfiction than your typical tumblr user.


He wasn't as flamboyant as when Arthur Fleck morphed into the Joker, but there were definite Takei-vibes
