MovieChat Forums > The Backlot Murders (2002) Discussion > B-Movie Gold - Entertaining + Amusing Ca...

B-Movie Gold - Entertaining + Amusing Campiness

I know to anyone reading this, you must be thinking, "Why is this beeyatch posting on a board about a movie no one seems to give a rat's a$$ about?" Well, I'm here to let others who come around in the future know "The Back Lot Murders" is B-movie gold - the best of the worst if you will. :p I saw the cover at the rental store & rented it despite the fact that Corey Haim was in it. I thought, "Oh it's so going to suck, but there's nothing else even half interesting here so I'll rent it." His part in it is not as prevalent as one may be led to believe. This movie is campy & entertaining & doesn't take itself too seriously. It's more along the lines of movies like "Student Bodies" or "Return to Horror High". It's got lots of T&A but still entertaining & campy. When I saw Priscilla Barnes' name in the beginning credits I thought, "D@mn, now it's REALLY going to suck," but once again, I was proven wrong. Her performance is one of the best things about the movie. She doesn't take herself too seriously & seems to have fun with the part. She aged fairly well from the time of her "Three's Company" days, too, haha. I could never look as good in those vinyl-latex-rubber-whatever-material-that-was black pants as she does. She's one crazy biznitch in this movie! I wouldn't classify this as straight-up horror but more of a "campy horror" flick. I also loved Charles Fleischer's performance as the director of the video shoot. He's the dude that provided the voice for Roger Rabbit. He's got some pretty funny dialogue in this one & he's funny in the dvd extras as well. Is this "the thinking man's horror flick" as director Defalco described it in the extras? No, but it's still a pretty little campy gem of a flick worth checking out in my opinion.

"Come on, Wendy, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in!"


"The Back Lot Murders" is B-movie gold - the best of the worst if you will

No, no it's not. It's not gold. It's not the best of anything.
And throwing around the word "campy" does not cover the fact that this movie is trash. And I'm not referring to your particular usage of "campy". It seems anyone who has anything to say about this movie excuses it's lack of quality as a sign of campiness. Campiness doesn't have to equal crap, which is what this movie is.
Defalco must have an IQ roughly equivalent to my shoe size if he thinks this is a "thinking man's horror flick".

For the record, I enjoy campy movies. I enjoy B-movies. I even enjoy "crappy" horror movies, but this movie has NO redeeming qualities.


This was an awesome and extremely entertaining, fun, competent film. What's not to love?


Oh my god I thought it would never end!
Every minute seemd like 10 and the KAKA dialog + the KAKA acting + the KAKA everything else made it so KAKA.


I love this movie. Laugh out loud fun--and even a couple of gruesome scenes. And Priscilla Barnes rocks--so beyond anything she ever did on Three's Company.



I completely agree. I really liked the movie, as stupid as it might be. It was cheesy and predictable but still entertaining if you don't take it seriously. Everything was over the top for a small budget horror film. Though it was either a REALLY low budget or they spent most of the budget on the caterer.


I found it extremely entertaining <3 Not high art for sure, but it was definitely campy and fun.


Loved it!!! Sure, it was crap, but it was fun crap. Charles Fleischer was hilarious!!!

I've seen better in the "boobie slasher spoof" genre. SORIETY HOUSE MASSACRE 2 comes to mind, but this one really has its moments. Worth checking out if your in the mood!


I've seen it a few times now. Nothing amazing, but fun enough.
