MovieChat Forums > Firefly (2002) Discussion > Joss Whedon and his fans

Joss Whedon and his fans

Are his other shows, Buffy, Angel ect as good as Firefly?

If you are a fan of his other works where would you rank Firefly among his other creations? I don't have cable or watch tv in general but absolutely loved Firefly for it's characters and some reason I can't quite explain. It's addictive.

I know it's all subjective and tastes but do his other shows have that same feel and quality as this ?I feel like if Buffy is even half as good as Firefly it's probably worth buying...if the characters draw you in the same.

I agree it's a real bummer this was cancelled too

I'm sure most of you know it already but Blake's 7 was another great show with similarities to Firefly and well worth checking out.


In my opinion, Firefly might be his weakest because it's so short, it never had time to conclude or even start any deep story.

Buffy is his masterpiece and in my opinion, the best show ever made. It's a little slow at the beginning, but it becomes legendary in its second season and never looks back.

Angel also starts slow, but once it gains its own legs and stops leaning on Buffy, it gets really great.

Dollhouse, his 4th show, is also better than Firefly in my opinon because it he didn't mess around with too many "story of the week" episodes and jumped right into the mythology. Plus, with Dollhouse, they get twice as many episodes as Firefly had, and were even allowed to give it a real proper ending, it's great.

I'd say try either Buffy or Dollhouse, both are great. Buffy suffers from real low production values in its first couple seasons, and the first season especially has its bad moments, but once it starts gaining momentum in season 2, its unstoppable.


Out of curiosity, could you explain why you think Buffy is such a masterpiece? Perhaps I should give it another go. I enjoyed it for what it was back when I saw it during its air-time in the 90s and early 00s, but I'm not sure I ever regarded it as anything but entertaining television.

My thoughts on television shows are that being picked up by a cable channel limits creative potential. How great would the first season of True Detective be on Fox? Or Game of Thrones for that matter? It's these limitations that affect shows that could otherwise be a notch better. You said that Buffy suffered from production values. Do you think HBO could have made the show a notch better? What about Firefly?

It may be unfortunate, but it's very difficult to associate a show with quality when it's attached to basic cable channels, with a possible exception going to AMC. Still, even in the latter case, they were fortunate enough to have picked up Breaking Bad, and are enjoying continued success with its spin-off; however, that's about it. I might say The Walking Dead could have been one of those shows as well, but it has, unfortunately, demonstrated the type of show it wants to be.

Perhaps the times were different then, who knows, but objectively, the best show on at the time was Oz, which aired a few years before The Sopranos, which I believe created a cascading effect to usher in the current era of television.

I apologize for a semi-lengthy post and look forward to your thoughts.


Interesting points. Its a crying shame that Firefly never got the life it deserved, yet I am glad it was not on HBO or any other more liberal venue. Its just a shame that it was on Fox, though. The show was a perfect blend of family values/real-world-issues, and that was the magic of it. If it had been more vulgar, i.e. on HBO, for example, it would not have been nearly so magical. I may NEVER forgive Fox for screwing the show up so badly. It is the singular most brilliant show ever made, for its short life-time. And a cast that worked together without equal, since television began. In its brief lifetime, it even outshines Cheers, or MASH, or All In The Family, which were all great ensemble casts, also. Just my humble opinion.

~Oh, I'm well aware it's not a picnic, Mr. Save the Day~ (Fitz, Agents of Shield)


What channel do you think could have made the best of out of Firefly? Also, I'm not sure any channel presents a show in an unbiased manner, which makes it seem like a majority of television is prevented from reaching a director's true vision because of studio limitations, or funding, or any other issues. I assume the reason GoT receives such high funding is because HBO is involved in its narrative, to an extent, thus causing the promotion of blatant feminism. This is fine, if it suits the show, but it doesn't in GoT, at least not considering what we saw in the first few seasons. It's still an entertaining show, and I'm sure being able to spend $300-500 per season helps with that.



Firefly is far and away my favorite TV show, not just of JW's. I like the others very much also.

Gotta go. Kisses.They're back!


I think Buffy and Firefly are on pretty equal footing, so if you think Buffy would be worth a watch if it was only half as good as Firefly, I say absolutely watch it. The characters are indeed quite good.

I like Whedon's shows more than most, but I think Firefly and Buffy are the standouts.

As someone already mentioned, season 1 does start out slow (with a few extremely cheesy episodes). But it also has a few good episodes and it sets up the characters and the universe well.

A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
Not if you're diabetic


Are his other shows, Buffy, Angel ect as good as Firefly?

In short, yes.

Can't stop the signal.


Thank you very much for the opinions and input I appreciate it. I'm really looking forward to checking out his shows and I'm going to start with Buffy. It will be nice to see something he actually got to finish. It's impressive how quickly he can bring his characters together and get that chemistry. The first few ep of Firefly felt like they all knew each other and I cared about the characters right away. I really hope he can come back to this project someday in one format or another. I kinda wish Whedon was directing the new Star Wars as well.
I tried Star Trek TNG and man that's clunky show. I don't mind it taking awhile to come together but waiting 4 or 5 seasons seems a bit much. Not hating on ST either...I like it, it's certainly mellow and has it's good points.
Onto Buffy with expectations set at moderate.
again, thanks


Buffy is his best show. It's really the only place where that quippy way Whedon writes all of his characters makes sense, and the tone of Buffy doesn't make it feel jarring when someone makes a sarcastic flippant "funny" remark in the middle of something serious.

Dollhouse isn't very good, just save your time and watch La Femme Nikita (the movie) or Point of No Return...and then maybe watch the last episode where they're driving around in the vehicle from Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust or Land of the Dead if you feel the need to know how Dollhouse ends after that. Never really gave a *beep* about the Angel show, just seems like an uninteresting version Buffy.


Way off on Angel. It's actual a different show than Buffy. Similar, but not exactly like it. In fact, some of Angel's seasons were better than Buffy's.

Can't stop the signal.


Nah bro, dollhouse is great. His weakest, but still great


And you're totally wrong on Angel


It's hard to compare the shows since Firefly was so short-lived. Ultimately, Firefly was never given the time to establish the complexity and depth of Buffy and Angel. The greatest strength of all these shows was their finely honed characterizations, and this needs a lot of time to be properly developed. However, I can say that Firefly's 14 episodes were overall even better and of a higher quality than the first 14 episodes of Buffy and Angel. And that's high praise from me since I regard Buffy as the best TV show ever with Angel not far behind. And the first 14 episodes of those shows were pretty darn good IMO, although not as good as the heights both shows would reach later. It's a real tragedy that Firefly was never given the chance to develop over multiple seasons.

As for Dollhouse, I think that show was just an utter disaster, starting with the insanity of casting one note actress Eliza Dushku in a part that demanded she play multiple very different characters, often in the same episode. To say that she was not up to the challenge is being kind. (I do know that the original Fox deal was with Dushku, so there was no option of casting another actress. But the concept of the series was Whedon's and he should have come up with one more suited to Dushku's "talents.") I did stick with it to the end, believing that Joss Whedon was incapable of creating and overseeing a show this bad and that it would improve. Unfortunately, he was and it didn't.




It's hard to compare the shows since Firefly was so short-lived. Ultimately, Firefly was never given the time to establish the complexity and depth of Buffy and Angel. The greatest strength of all these shows was their finely honed characterizations, and this needs a lot of time to be properly developed. However, I can say that Firefly's 14 episodes were overall even better and of a higher quality than the first 14 episodes of Buffy and Angel.

^ This, plus

IMO Firefly's 14 episodes were overall even better and of higher quality than the first 14 episodes of any series, even Game of Thrones (which I like)


I think Eliza Dushku is better than one-note, but "Dollhouse" presents a problematic concept - the lead actress (or actor) must remain recognizable and consistent, and this makes Dushku's Echo less interesting, as a performance, than, say, the Sierra of Dichen Lachman or, even better, the Victor of Enver Gjojaj. I think Dushku does a pretty good job with Echo/Caroline, but she isn't good enough to overcome the inherent difficulty of the task. I'm not sure how many actresses could have done much better, given the super-high quality of acting competition and the greater freedom the non-lead actors have.

And I like the show very much, despite (I'll admit it) wishing they'd cast Amy Acker as Echo (although I don't think Dushku could have handled Acker's role as well as Acker did). Of what does identity consist? What makes us human? And the cautionary - like that lived in "Firefly" and spelled out in "Serenity," beware of power, whether governmental or corporate, usurping control of humans' individual destinies.


watch Buffy! And make sure you start watching angel synchronised, chronologically. The shows don't entwine often but it is necessary if you want to understand everything. Buffy might seem a little tacky at start but it gets better the whole series. Also you need to realise the rare CGI can be pretty bad, not comparable to the CGI in firefly. I re-watched firefly recently and I can't understand how a TV show from 2002-2003 could have that good CGI.


I haven't really watched the other shows, but I don't know how Firefly could be the weakest of them all. I have no doubt that Buffy and the other series are quite good, but the network screwed Firefly up from the beginning ("sorry, we don't like this pilot. Can you write and shoot another in two days, please?"). I mean, how do you take the two hour premier, meant to introduce viewers to the world and all the show's characters, and then stick it at the very end? Serenity, the pilot, was the last aired episode before cancellation. Then, the show was promoted as an action/comedy hybrid in space.


While there are comedic elements, absolutely, and there are moments of real action--FOX completely dropped the ball in every possible way a series could be handled.

"Tony Soprano is a trash man, and head of an Italian-American family trying to make good. Check out The Sopranos, a real laugh riot, new this fall on FOX!"

Thank God they didn't get that classic. Jackie Aprile would have died in season three, two years after Tony and the crew toasted him at the Bing.

FOX are a bunch of neanderthals collectively, and while I am not a violent person, if I could meet the half-wit that made the ultimate decision to take Firefly off the air, I'd cold cock them in a heartbeat.

Just look at the episodes that were aired, and the ones that were released on DVD/Blu that were not. As much as I love the early ones, the later ones are even better. Heart of Gold and Objects in Space are in my top five of the fourteen. If the plug hadn't been pulled, there's no telling how high the Serenity would have flied. It's in the stratosphere already, as it is.

I will never, ever give out hoping that there will be more. Even if it's just another movie, I will go to my grave believing that the Serenity will fly again. Joss will make it happen somehow.

Never for the sake of peace and quiet deny your convictions-Dag Hammarskjold


I have no doubt that Buffy and the other series are quite good, but the network screwed Firefly up from the beginning

That's part of the reason. Buffy and Angel were able to tell their stories over multiple seasons. There's a progression and evolution to the characters filled with gripping story arcs.

Firefly, sadly, never got that far.

That being said, Firefly had the strongest first season of all three shows. If it had been allowed to continue, I have no doubt, it would've become the best of the three and would be known as Whedon's magnum opus.

Can't stop the signal.


Buffy is a masterpiece.. HOWEVER - please don't give up on it in the first season, as overall it's really cheesy and basically, quite crap. I watched from season 2 and at the end of it bought season 1 and 2 on dvd so i could watch it all from the start.. and i was like.. is this the same show? I watched it through and have done so multiple times, as when I watch Buffy i have to do it 1 through 7 properly - and season 1 is BY FAR the weakest. Just put up with it and know, that for sure the best is yet to come. Season 2/3/5 and 7 are my favourites, i still have a soft spot for the very dark 6 but it's not my favourite, and although season 4 has one of the best episodes of television ever (hush), it's still not my favourite season either.

Angel had it's flaws but the first three seasons especially were excellent, the way they went with Cordy never really flew with me.

If you want to watch it all in chronological order, watch the first 3 seasons of buffy, then season 4 of buffy/1 of angel, 5 of buffy/2 of angel, 6 of buffy/3 of angel,7 of buffy/4 of angel, then 5 of angel is a standalone so to speak, watch that last. It has a sort of open ending though as it was prematurely axed so if you are up to it i would read the follow up comics on how the story continues. I was totally satisfied with Buffy's ending, it was done to perfection IMO, so I never followed the story after that, but of course if it was ever on again i would watch it in a heartbeat. SMG *is* buffy though so i'd never watch it without her and allison hannigan. I hope they never ever ever reboot it with different actors, if it ever continues and even if SMG is 50 by then LOL i'd still rather it be her.

To this day no show has had me caring about the characters as much as Buffy.. the emotion was intense.. and it was about kids coming of age and dealing with the everyday challenges of life as much as it was about vampires and monsters- it all blended together perfectly and never got too soap-ish. I don't know how Joss does it but he is a master at having you really feel for the characters.


All true. Don't let Buffy season 1 stop you because it __is__ very bad. I would have quit watching if it didn't air at dinnertime for me. But season 2 truly is a masterpiece.

You have to get into Angel too but its worth it. For me Alexis Denisof takes this show to amazing heights in the way he plays Wesley. (I love the storyline "The father will kill the son").

You get to see familiar faces of you watch these after Firefly. Malcolm Reynolds is in the last season of Buffy, Zoe & Jayne are in Angel.
