MovieChat Forums > Scary Movie 3 (2003) Discussion > How on Earth is this rated higher tha Sc...

How on Earth is this rated higher tha Scary Movie 2?

I admit that 3 wasn't was bad but it only delivers a few laughs every now and then, and the jokes don't have anything special to them. Whereas Scary movie 1 and 2, has you laughing the whole way through and the jokes are extremely creative.


1 is great, 2 is a jumbled unfunny mess, with only a few real laughs and mostly over the top horrid scenes.



Thank you someone with sense, Scary Movie 3 was okay but no where on the level of 1 or 2, 4 was just unbearable and didn't even bother to see 5.I'm surprised that 5 even got made, if they ever do a 6th, they need the Waynes on it and in it.


Scary Movie is phenomenal, absolutely brilliant, ingenious, hilarious and courageous - such antidote for misandry is hard to find in mainstream movies (a woman is actually punched by a man and kicked, while down, and the audience is supposed to find it funny.. how many movies dare even attempt at anything like that? There are plenty of reverse examples, though).

Scary Movie 2 is a little lackluster, and has some annoying characters and some unfunny and redundant scenes and uses a lot of gross situations that really do not serve the plot. But it's still a watchable, and funny comedy - it's just not quite up there with the phenomenal Scary Movie movie.

The third and the fourth are fun and funny movies, and there's really nothing wrong with them (I don't get the hate). They are a bit boring, though, and the jokes get slightly repetitive in the long run. Good stuff nevertheless, especially compared to what garbage hollyweird pumps out these days.

Scary Movie 5.. whoa. Is this supposed to be part of the series? (Or 'franchise', as they say)

It's horrible, for all the wrong reasons. The less said about it, the better, I guess. I certainly never intend to see it again.

Scary Movie 6 could not be as bad as the fifth movie is, so I am all for it - it can only be an improvement.

My point is that "Scary Movie" is like a skyscraper, the rest of the movies are like toy houses - pretty good toy houses, but toy houses nevertheless. And it's pretty much meaningless, which toy house is the best. They are all entertaining and serve their purpose, and none of them are horrible.


Scary movie 5 was excellent. Not sure why you didn't like it. Certainly way better then 3 and 4.


Scary Movie was good, but I'm not a big fan of the Wayans.

Scary Movie 3,4, and 5 are much better. Problem is, the franchise seems to have run out of steam.


"Scary Movie 6 could not be as bad as the fifth movie is, so I am all for it - it can only be an improvement."

Never underestimate the power of degradation of a franchise through the sequels.


Nah, scary movie 3 was better than 2.

2 started off ok and had a few laughs throughout, but was overall a weak movie.


Pt. 3 was funnier. C'mon, you know the MJ scene and the other scene when he discovered all those cigarettes in Queen Latifah's drawer. Pt. 6 should be more like this one.


Scary Movie 1 (and 2) were only funny because they were (kind of) doing something new, in a time were horror slashers were all the rage. But if you look at the script, and the actual jokes, pt. 3 (and 4) are much funnier.

I'm having trouble with a patient of mine; he's a teenage drug addict who's being molested. By me.
