MovieChat Forums > Scary Movie 3 (2003) Discussion > J-Cut editing joke that no one seems to ...

J-Cut editing joke that no one seems to pick up on.

When Cindy is researching the cursed video, she stares at a photograph of a lighthouse and a foghorn sound effect blares loudly as the lead-in to the next scene at the actual lighthouse. The thing that makes it funny is the split second before the visual cut to the lighthouse, we see Cindy jump and react in fear to the foghorn sound from the next scene.
It's one of those little extra jokes that makes "Scary Movie 3" a lot like the first "Scary Movie" (and "the Naked Gun" and "Airplane!", for that matter). It's not perfect, but it's a big step back up from the 2nd Scary Movie, and the last couple.


This movie does actually have some intelligent jokes amongst the more obvious and non-subtle ones, I agree it's better than 2 and 4 and 5. I actually think it's superior to one aswell


oh i picked up on it instantly and it was a very good joke. too bad most people miss it.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


One of only about three jokes in this whole movie that got so much as a smile out of me. That's a definite Naked Gun type of joke. It's sad though that a joke so simple and maybe not even noticeable to a lot of people is one of the funniest things in a comedy.

And the flowers are STILL standing!


That was one of the very funniest jokes in the movie (most of the more subtle jokes are pretty great).

It mocks the annoying movie cliché, where the sounds and music of the next scene start already playing before the scene visually actually changes, but this time, the character in the movie reacts to it, bringing in focus how idiotic and typical the over-used gimmick is.

I mean, something that usually only happens to the audience, now happens to the movie character, creating a surreal moment that underlines the stupidity of moviemaking gimmicks and clichés.

And it's also funny.

For these reasons, I applaud that joke.
