MovieChat Forums > The Wire (2002) Discussion > Snoop's image change..

Snoop's image change..

When we are first introduced to Snoop, she appears on screen but is not speaking. She was quiet both verbally and in presence. She also doesnt't appear to be overly stylized until later.

The most extreme example I can recall is the scene where she shoots at an individual from the back of a motorcycle. She was wearing a PINK fitted sweat suit.

It contrasted to her overtly masculine garb she wore for the majority of the series. This makes me question if Snoop's character was REALLY meant to reflect her IRL, or if her image was tweaked later on.

I know it's been said this character was written specifically for her after Williams introduced her to Simon. Personally I love the character (many do not.) I wonder how close we really were to having a Snoop without the sexual
ambiguity that makes her so awesome.


Maybe she just wore that outfit to look the part for the job. She was supposed to be a girl on the back of her boyfriends bike.


Every time Snoop talks all I can think of is comedienne Wanda Sykes - they sound so mucc alike. They should have had Sykes play a role in this show!

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 


She's wearing the pink outfit precisely because it's not what she normally wears. She's 'undercover' so to speak.

These are the only words I have, I'm stuck with them, stuck in them


I hated that bitch.

I woke up this way...


A total piece of shìt in the real world according to her IMDB bio:

Pled guilty to drug charges stemming from her arrest during a DEA raid on her house. She was sentenced to a seven year suspended jail sentence with three years supervised probation; she had spent 30 days in jail. [August 2011]
She was born prematurely on May 18, 1980 and she weighed only three pounds; she was so small that she had to be fed with an eyedropper. Her parents, now dead, were both addicts, and she was born cross-eyed. She was placed in a foster home as an infant and later adopted by her foster parents.
On April 27, 1995 when she was 14, she got into a fight with a 15-year-old stranger named Okia "Kia" Toomer. She pulled out a gun and shot him twice, according to court records. He died two hours later on the operating table at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She was tried as an adult, convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to eight years in the Correctional Institute for Women in Jessup, Maryland. She earned her G.E.D. while still in prison, and was released in 2000 after serving five years of her sentence.


Damn girl.

“If one devalues rationality, the world tends to fall apart.” - von Trier


Eight years for 2nd degree murder??? In Oz they get 15 to Life just for aggravated assault!


Doesn't sound like she had much of a chance to begin with


Me too! I hated Marlo and bis crew in general, but I think a large part of it was because of her... Chris too... and Marlo - but maybe moreso her.

To the threadstarter, she was the same when she was in the restaurant when she put in the call about Avon's people staking out the hotel. The jumpsuit was part of the disguise.


Snoop looks the same for the entire series. The one time she looked different was the motorcycle scence.


That seems like her normal clothes before the bike scene.


Actually, I just saw the episode in which she's on the motorcycle, and she was wearing tight-fitting jeans. She had on a pink hoodie, yes, but maybe (the real) Snoop wouldn't go the full pink sweatsuit route. ; )


I am surprised she didn’t get cast on Orange is The New Black. Definitely would have added a touch of realism. Is she still acting?
