RE: Season 2

Did anyone else dislike/hate season 2 of the wire upon first viewing and then have the opposite opinion after watching a second time? I believe the first season is so fantastic that we are left upset that the Barksdale storyline has taken a backseat in the second season while not really giving the port storyline a chance at first viewing. However in my experience the character of Frank Sobotka is so likable that we end up warming up to him despite his dealing with the greeks which in my opinion just goes to show how awesome the writing/acting was on this show. Did anyone else start to appreciate this season after more than one viewing?


Yeah oddly to me Season 2 was my least favorite, aside from the continuing Barksdale saga. I understood the point of the port story as Baltimore is a HUGE port city, but meh I wasn't that jazzed by it.

((Damn the remakes, Save the originals.))


Yeah you pretty much described my experience exactly. I have a much better appreciation for season two than the first time I saw it.


Yep, that's pretty much how I felt.


Same here.

First time I saw Season 2 I was like "What the hell is this?"

Now it's my favorite season of The Wire.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I had a similar experience. When I first watched it I couldn't stand the whole Ziggy character, then upon watching again, he was just a funny, slow-witted dude who wanted to be liked and respected by his dad.

TWITTER @bigdaddy6666


Season 2 is the best of the 5; hands down. Better story and acting. Plus it has the most scenes with Omar. Telling the story of how drugs are imported in to the country was very interesting to me. From what I gathered from people, you either love it or hate it.


Actually Season 2 has probably the least Omar of any season besides maybe Season 5. Just look at Michael K Williams's IMDb page and you can see he appears in the least amount of episodes in those seasons, whereas he's quite prominent in 1 and especially 3 and 4.


I actually loved season 2 the first time I saw it, recently I'm still watching the show, and I liked it more than season 1.


Loved it then, love it now.

Votes: 3,622


Yup. I hated season 2 after my first viewing. it almost made me give on the show and not watch season 3. but i persevered and watched rest of the series which was fantastic. a couple years later I rewatched series. Whoa. Not sure what was wrong with me first time around but I absolutely loved season 2. Just caught so much more on 2nd viewing. I'm sure there are others out there like me.

" Tell me mom...when your little girl's on the slab...where will it tickle you?"


I did, I think most do, after loving season 1 so much it's tough to move to season 2, not because it's bad but because it's so drastically different from your newly beloved season 1.

After rewatching multiple times I grew to genuinely love season 2, it really is an incredible story.

"Did he have hands? a face? yes? well then it wasn't us. idiot"
