
What was wrong with him? Was he retarded or was he just a kid?

I woke up this way...


neither, just dumb


Did he ever say how old he was because I'm a bit confused by his character. He looked like he was 17/18 but he acted like he was no older than 13/14.

I woke up this way...


He was a 20-30 char that had been betrayed by his government, and was a loser.

If you take the Wire as a series then; he was failed by education, failed by government, and never loved.

We love him though,

We love all!

And now you're gonna die, wearing that stupid little hat. How does it feel?


Early 20's I'm guessing. Him and Frank were talking about how he should have went to college like his brother. Ziggy is actually book smart, but he has no common sense.


James Ransone was 23 or 24 at the time S2 was filmed. If any of you haven't seen David Simon's mini-series "Generation Kill", you totally should. Ransone plays a character not entirely dissimilar from Ziggy, only he's maybe found something to do with his life that he's actually pretty good at and maybe means something.

He's a pretty good actor, overall, he also shows up in Treme, as well as a bunch of other things.


he also plays a not dissimilar character in Starlet, which would be about 10 years later so when he's well in his 30s. He plays it well though


The worst character written for the show.


Lmao, Ziggy was such a dweeb! He wasn't the sharpest tool in the box at all! I felt sorry for him at the end though
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Like everyone else in the show he was let down by a broken system. From an early age he never gave any concern about what he was going to do with his life because he was a union insider and always thought he'd get a job on the docks and be set for life. When that way of life starts dying he wasn't good for anything else
