MovieChat Forums > The Wire (2002) Discussion > favourite foreshadowing

favourite foreshadowing

there's too many to choose from. I can think of 3 in the first episode:
(1) Landsman telling McNulty he'd be riding the boat on midnight shift by the time this detail was through. All the subtlety of a frying pan in the face, but the other 2 are much deeper
(2) Bunk regaling the time he shot a mouse with his service weapon, ending with "I was gonna leave the mf'er there as a warning to the others". At the end of the episode, William Gant's body is on display as a warning to everyone not to testify against the Barksdales.
And later in the series, of course, Brandon's mutilated body is on much more disturbing display as a warning to everyone .
(3) The very first scene, McNulty talks about how unfair it is that "Snot Boogie" seems doomed from the start with such a nickname.
Season 4, they introduce the downtrodden Duquan Weems. He gets called "Dook" or "Dookie" simply as an abbreviation of his first name, but Dookie is also slang for s**t - the name alone had him marked for defeat from the beginning.

What are your favourite or most subtle foreshadowing moments from this great show?
