MovieChat Forums > 25th Hour (2003) Discussion > 25th Hour or American History X, your r...

25th Hour or American History X, your ratings ???


25th Hour: nothing less than 10 outta 10. Right from the start all the way to the end, pure charisma on the screen. Your heart can absolutely feel the pain and agony he is going through. His bathroom mirror scene narration and his father's voiceover at the end jut blew me mind.

American History X: The movie sure has some powerful scenes i.e. the carjacking, the battering scene in prison and yes, the TWIST at the end. Edward Norton and Edward Furlong both gave remarkable performances. But to each his own, I feel this movie is greatly hyped. Could only give it a 7/10.

Your thoughts ????

"what if Forrest Gump was full of *beep*"


What is the TWIST at the end of American History X? I watched it a while ago and I enjoyed it, but I can't say that I remember any twist at the end? Maybe I just forgot since I watched it a while ago. Could you please explain?

Thanks :)


+++++++SPOILERS BELOW+++++++++

Just when everything seems to end well...

Edward Norton walks his brother Danny(Edward Furlong) to school and says that he'll see him later. Danny enters the bathroom just before class starts. What Danny doesn't know is that Henry(that black kid) is in the bathroom as well. He raises a gun and shoots Danny a number of times and he falls to the ground.

Totally gets you off-guard. Here, i found the link to the ending for ya:

"We are the people your parents warned you about."


25th Hour: was pretty decent for the most part, but by the end, I felt it took too many artistic risks and it ended up feeling entirely unnatural. Also, in the midst of many poignant and memorable scenes, the story became extremely forgettable.

American History X: Well directed, good pacing, great acting but I didn't like the writing. Norton's character seemed too intelligent to be so easily brainwashed by the neo-nazi cult leader. All sides ended up like total idiots. Which is true with all extreme ideologies, however, it's not pleasant to see a serious film about radical dimwits. I hoped it would have looked alot deeper into the motivations of the characters.


Edward Norton's most memorable movies are...

1.Rounders (1998) - 9/10
2.25th Hour (2002)
3.American History X (1998)
4.The Illusionist (2006) - 8/10
5.The Score (2001) - 7.5-8/10

i have actually just re-watched 25th Hour a moment ago which was the first time i re-watched it in years and it still holds strong as the movie gets better the further it goes forward as it's got solid emotional punch to it. i used to prefer American History X over 25th Hour but on a re-watch of 25th Hour just now ill give 25th Hour the slight edge. i gave both a 9/10.

p.s. for measure... i don't hand out 9/10 or 10/10 ratings much as out of the 1675+ total movies i have seen only around 80 (maybe a bit less) managed to get a 9/10 or 10/10 rating from me and there is three above.

Your heart can absolutely feel the pain and agony he is going through.

Yeah, i think that's a lot of the reason why the movie works as well as it does.

because earlier in the movie i kind of like the general feel/tone of it but late into the movie you start to really feel for Norton's character as the movie just has some solid emotional punch to it.

My Vote History ...


American History X is more emotionally involving. Edward Norton becomes the Neo-Nazi character and delivers one of his greatest performances ever. He was good in 25th Hour, but performance-wise, AHX is superior.

That being said, as a film, cinematically, 25th Hour reigns supreme. Everything about this movie is perfect: the acting, the script, cinematography, editing, sound, music, even the lighting and shadowing and grain of the film. It's a work of art. A masterpiece.

"Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time."


Any "memorable movie" list of Norton's that doesn't mention Fight Club is pretty much wrong.


I was just about respond to his list with "you lose"

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


They're both awesome. Edward Norton is fantastic in both, they're the high points of his career.

I give 10/10 to each.

His bathroom mirror scene narration and his father's voiceover at the end jut blew me mind.

Agreed. It's too bad 25th Hour didn't get much recognition awards-wise, although Norton evidently won Best Actor at the St Jordi awards (not until 2004?) in Barcelona.

I see Norton was up for Best Actor at the Oscars in 1999 for his role in American History X. That was a tight and competitive year. He was up against powerhouse performances by Nick Nolte and Ian McKellen, as well as Tom Hanks.

Roberto Benigni's win seems laughable in retrospect.
