Do you think this film will hold it's own over time?

I've been a fan ever since I saw a preview of it in a real theater.

There are so many 'newer' genres of films out now, I wonder if this will fade away with the ageing of it's original fans.


It's damn near close to the classical epics of yesteryear (some additional CGI from ILM here and there). It should hold up very well.

Action Hero's Anthem


Yes. I just watched it again after many years and it holds up -very- well. I was surprised that it did not feel dated at all. Better than I thought when I saw it in the theatre.

Why? I came into this game for the action, the excitement... Listen, kid, we're all in it together.


I don't see why it ever would. It's probably as authentic a recreation of the wooden sailing navy as there could ever be, and almost certainly nobody in this CGI age will ever again go to the expense of filming an epic with a real wooden ship. The actors are all d*mn good - tastes in styles of acting change, of course, but good acting remains good acting forever, even when it's not in the current fashion. And the cinematography is brilliant, and the choice of music truly inspired.


Yes. I just watched it again after many years and it holds up -very- well. I was surprised that it did not feel dated at all. Better than I thought when I saw it in the theatre.

Why? I came into this game for the action, the excitement... Listen, kid, we're all in it together.


It was on tv here in the UK last night and I caught some of it for the first time in a few years.

Apart from a couple of slightly ropey bits of CGI I thought it stood up remarkably well. It's a beautiful film from start to finish, I'd forgotten how good the score is as well.
