MovieChat Forums > CSI: Miami (2002) Discussion > I will never figure how Caine could stan...

I will never figure how Caine could stand to wear coats in Miami!

Yes he's both a homicide detective as well as the team leader
though anybody who's ever lived in or visited south Florida
knows just how hot and humid the climate happens to be! I
lived on the gulf coast for over five years and the weather
gets quite muggy and hot by early June and stays the same
through the middle of October. And Miami has the same climate
though much cooler in fall and winter and plenty of tropical
thunderstorms all summer long all over the state. So I am
really surprised that Lt. Caine kept wearing a coat all
year long in every episode and we the viewers never once
saw him take off his jacket nor ever wearing short sleeves.
I guess that his look was part of his coolness factor in
how Caine had to appear.

Lorenzo Sunny Arizona

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


And he was always wearing black or dark blue. Everybody else nearly always wore the traditional tropical colors such as white, yellow, lime green, orange, sky blue, pink, etc.


I agree, tbirdman. While I've never been to FL, I've thought many times "he must be roasting in that jacket!" I know that much of the series was filmed in CA ... and probably Southern CA at that. I've been to Los Angeles and San Diego many times, and the weather is always just beautiful every time. I doubt that I could have worn a jacket as warm as it usually is. But "H" is a Lt. and maybe that's their way of making him look professional. (One of my oldest friends is a Lt. and he always wears a jacket when on duty. But it's not always THAT warm here in Northern CA. And our female CSI's NEVER wear high heels while on duty.) BTW...I'm a new fan of the series and have been watching it every chance I get.


Hello Jay, nice to read a post from a resident of N. CA and I so
concur with all of your points about Lt. Caine and the weather
patterns. I grew up in Santa Clara Valley in San Jose and then
in Campbell so am very familiar with the climate of your part
of the state. I moved from N. CA to the gulf coast of FL in
2005 and the difference in climate took me some getting used
to over there. Yes CSI:Miami was filmed primarily in the
Los Angeles area though have read on the imdb trivia section
that for each season both the first and last episodes were
filmed entirely in and around Miami. Yes I do agree with your
comment about Lt. Caine always wearing a jacket while on duty
and of course he never wore a tie or suit! I know that homicide
detectives and police supervisors who are not in uniform
must wear either a jacket with tie or a full suit while not
in uniform and on duty. And yes I see your point about the
female CSI's in your jurisdiction never wearing high heels!
That would be both so uncomfortable and hinder them doing their
job around crime scenes. Btw the female CSI's who work for
St. Petersburg PD wear one-piece dark green jumpsuits, are
not armed and drive around in a white marked van. No Hummers
are ever used in Florida for police work! And the same dress
code applies here in Arizona for our female CSI's with the
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. They dress just like the
TV crime scene techs on the original CSI show. And off topic,
did you know that in the National Basketball Association,
league rules state that both head coaches and assistants
must wear jackets and slacks though ties are not mandatory.

Lorenzo Sunny Arizona

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


Hey...thank you for bringing back some nice memories...the San Jose flea market. LOVED it! 580 to 680 to the Berryessa exit. Aw yes...I remember it well.

Seriously...thanks for the info about the show. I didn't know that they filmed any of it in Miami. I'll have to pay attention. Don't laugh...but just last night, I had to stay up to see what WETV calls their Binge-a-thon. CSI: Miami is on from 4pm all night. They air about 7 eps then repeat the first 6 over again. I made it through the first set. They ended on S8 Ep23. What kills me is that I've already seen S9 Ep1...probably weeks ago. So the goofy network isn't airing them in order. Darn it! And to make matters worse, the last few Sundays, WETV has been airing a mini-marathon. This Sunday is from S5. 5? Just last night was S8. I've already seen where Marisol dies only to see her asking Horatio over for dinner the following week. ugh! Makes me crazy. I'm ready to see 9 and 10! But I am enjoying seeing what I haven't already seen. Hopefully, one day, I'll be able to see the rest of the series all the way to the end of S10. Like I told you, I'm a new fan!

Again...thanks for the memories. (Bob Hope?) Sorry! Nice chatting with you! And why don't you want to be called a squid?


Yes I do remember the San Jose Flea Market quite well and that was
where my parent's Buick was stolen many years ago. My father was
careless and left the key in the ignition. Yes I am serious! I
was not there though my parents came home without the car and
got a ride from my sister who lived in SJ at the time. Thankfully
my dad had full coverage so the theft was covered and my folks
were able to buy a new car. My mom told my dad off for his
carelessness! Oh well memories! 580 to 680 to the Berryessa exit
and I remember that so well. Yes I used to watch the WETV
CSI:Miami marathons on Sunday and Monday nights and I did notice
that several episodes were repeated later that same night though
never understood as to why this was done? I really never cared
for the character of Marisol and did like her brother Erik.
The subplot where she married Horatio was so silly and stupid!
And I was so glad when she died on camera! LOL! I watched just
about every CSI:Miami episode from seasons 1 thru 10 though in
my honest opinion some of the best ones were in seasons 1 & 2.
Rory Cochrane as Tim Speedle was one of my favorite characters
and was so disappointed when he left the show for good. Check
out season 6, episode 4, "Bang Bang, You're Debt" which is a
bizaare episode where Eric Delko keeps hallucinating that he
sees his colleague Tim Speedle. Though perhaps you've already
seen this one? As for your question about squid, navy veterans
like me really don't care for the nickname as we prefer being
called swabbies! As in to swab the deck of the ship! Fyi
soldiers are grunts, Marines are jarheads and airmen are

Lorenzo Sunny Arizona

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


We totally agree on more than one thing: I, too, did NOT get the Horatio/Marisol thing. But I like Delko, too. He's my fave. And I really liked Speedle, and got all teary eyed when they let him die. And yes, I saw the ep that you mentioned....TWICE! For a split second, we almost think Speedle's death was faked. But when they talk about Delko's head injury and all fit the story line and I liked that. I hated Cooper using Speedle's card the way he did...and missed the ep where they must have let him go. I remember the ep where Cooper came after Calleigh online. I got really angry! Geez...I am hooked, huh???

And I'm so sorry your folks' car got stolen like that. NOT funny, huh? My mom never drove until I was about 10. The story goes that when my folks dated, my dad (being the adorable guy he was) tried to teach her how to drive and she hit something. No major damage...but that did it for her. She was maybe 19 or 20 and my dad a year older. Well...they got married, he got drafted (he was, like you say, a grunt during WWII) and mom moved back home (Pittsburg, CA) to stay with her parents. She just didn't have to drive. When they bought their first home (I was 6 months by this time and my big brother 3) the bus came to our corner. No need to drive. She want back to work when I was about 13 months old and STILL no need to drive. The bus was so darn easy to take. Then, being the dare-devil tomboy that I was...I ended up in the hospital emergency room 3 times before I turned 10. She would have been around 37 or 38. If she didn't learn to drive, I would have ended up bleeding to death somewhere. Seriously!!! I was afraid of nothing!!! I'm damn lucky I made it to my 11th birthday. But she never really liked driving and to be honest, was never a very good driver. I lucked out...I got to drive...a lot! I loved it! It was ME who always did the driving to the SJ flea market, too.

So you were in the Navy? Thank you for your service! I am so dad gave ME all his Army things. And they sure mean a lot to me. To this day, I have one of his dog tags on my key ring. Makes me proud. My brother really wouldn't have appreciated any of that stuff the way I did. And my dad must have known that.

And I sure am babbling...sorry! So much fun chatting. But I'm sure IMDb doesn't think so! ooops!!!

See you <<<putting sunglasses on>>> in Miami!


Hello again, well regarding the episode where Erik thought that
Speedle was alive well its actually one of my favorites. Though
do need to mention the obvious plot hole which am surprised
nobody has posted about on this board. Tim Speedle died during
season 2 which was in 2004 and was buried at the beginning of
season 3. So then how do we explain that by the time of the
season 6, ep 4's "Bang Bang You're Debt" timeline in 2007
that Dan Cooper was able to access Speed's credit card? Since
we can assume that in all of the time that he was deceased
that his charge account would have been closed by his former
bank and the credit card would have been long canceled by 2007!
Though as you've pointed out Cooper was able to use the card
to make purchases until he was confronted by Erik & Calleigh.
And how did Cooper even manage to get ahold of the credit
card after Speed's death? All of these little facts still
continue to bug me eight years after the episode has aired!
I know that it is just a TV show though you really need to
suspend disbelief while watching! By the way my dad was also
a WW II veteran who also served in the US Army and retired
after 27 years of service. My dad was not a grunt as he
was in field artillery for several years and retired at the
rank of full bird colonel (pay grade O-6). My father loved
his MOS though he decided to change his specialty after he
earned his law degree and became an army jag attorney. Years
ago I brought home the VHS tape of "A Few Good Men" which
my dad and I watched together. I had seen it in a theatre
though it was my dad's first time to watch the movie and he
absolutely loved the script! Especially with his military
background having served in the jag corps. Though my dad
never had to deal with such a cocky and arrogant senior
officer as Col. Nathan R. Jessup! My dad was also impressed
with the performance by the then young Tom Cruise and I
was not an officer during my time in the navy though I did
know some legal affairs officers and paralegals. Here is
something you may not know about navy and Marine jag lawyers.
Unlike unrestricted line officers who either graduated from
the naval academy at Annapolis, MD or from NROTC and are
commissioned an ensign in the navy or 2nd lieutenant in
the Marine Corps. US Navy & Marine officers who graduate
from civilian law schools are commissioned two pay grades
higher unlike their counterparts I've mentioned. Navy lawyers
are direct commissioned at the rank of lieutenant (O-3)
while Marine lawyers are commissioned at the rank of
captain also O-3. This is standard procedure because
jag attorneys are categorized as staff corps officers
who are designated for duties within their chosen specialties.
If you've seen "A Few Good Men" then you'll recall that
Kevin Bacon's character of the prosecutor was Capt. Jack Ross
and Tom Cruise was Lt. JG Daniel Kaffee. Though he should
have been a full lieutenant so therefore director Rob Reiner
made a simple error in his rank which was not a big deal.
Lt. JG stands for lieutenant junior grade (O-2). Well enough
about military stuff and I got carried away! You're welcome
about my having served in the navy and I appreciate whenever
anybody has thanked me! I still wear my dog tags and get
thanked by strangers whenever people see my tags. Btw my
dad used to own two .45 ACP handguns from Colt Firearms
during his military years. Also known as the M1911 .45 ACP
semiautomatic pistol and he kept one at home and the other
at his office on post. The handgun was the standard issue
sidearm of our armed services personnel until 1986 when it
got replaced by the 9 mm handgun. Though it is still in
use these days by special forces and elite units. I also
rode the bus for several years while living in Campbell.
VTA no. 26 was my main means of commuting when I did not
own a car and it still runs east and west along Campbell
Avenue for many years though sometimes it would run late
and that was often aggravating to me! Btw as for CSI,
Erik Delko and Tim Speedle were my favorite characters
while Calleigh Duquesne was my least favorite person on
the show! Ryan Wolf was okay and Natalia Boa Vista was
so sexy! Did not like Frank Tripp at first though I did
warm up to him and could not stand Dr. Alex Woods since
she always spoke to corpses! Horatio Caine was great for
the team and the show though he sometimes really got on
my nerves too! And no you were not babbling at all since
I really enjoyed chatting with you about the TV show
and other subjects and take care.

Lorenzo Sunny Arizona

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!

I'm James "Sonny" Crockett!


Hey...just got done mowing and cleaning up backyard a bit. Do NOT like having to do that...but you know how that goes. If I'm in the's not all that bad. I LOVE being outside and getting my hands in the dirt but always hated mowing the lawn. It's about as much fun as a root canal!!!

I'll be sending you a PM (private message) in a little while, so keep a look out!
