MovieChat Forums > Black Cadillac Discussion > Good story, terrible filmmaking!

Good story, terrible filmmaking!

This movie would've been pretty darn good... if there weren't about 300 million errors in it! Geez! It's impossible to lose yourself in the movie. You keep getting yanked back to real life thinking "what the hell was that supposed to be???". That completely ruins a movie for me. I won't go into detail here (much). There were just so many editing/continuity mistakes and unrealistic events.

- What were those snow piles on the street? Who put them there???
- Car drives off; cut to guys looking on; cut to car driving off again. Huh???
- How come that message on the windshield didn't come off? (I was thinking "evil powers at work", but obviously that wasn't the case)
- How did the car get back on the street after being totaled when crashing down the cliff? If it wasn't totalled (yeah right), why did they wait so long?
- They say it all started when they picked up the cop. But the car was already trailing them before!
- The scar on the guy's face did not look realistic at all.
- Incredible traction when accelerating on the frozen lake!
- How did the cadillac always know where they were gonna go... and how did it get there before them, even if it was way behind??? (Once again "evil powers" were NOT present to explain this)
- The Saab's side is screwed up pretty good after the race, while the Cadillac doesn't even have one scratch!?
- What's with the overheating engine??? (Again, no "evil powers" to explain it)
- In the fight(s) they beat the crap out of each other, and apart from a slight cut on ONE of the guys' lips, they're all perfectly O.K.
- How did Scarface get on the hood of the Cadillac? And how could he have still been alive???
- When they hide the car in the woods, they start freezing their asses off in a matter of seconds. Did the Saab not have heating? Surely it did (they weren't freezing before), so how can it cool down so quickly??? And why didn't they freeze to death (literally) when they left the car???
- The guy totally f**ks up his leg, ties a jacket around it, and then he goes walking off with a slight limp. Very funny.

I think I'll leave it at that for now...

While this probably COULD have been an 8 out of 10, I gave it a 5. A bit of a shame, really.



Allow me to try to answer some of your questions...

- How come that message on the windshield didn't come off? (I was thinking "evil powers at work", but obviously that wasn't the case)

-- It didn't come off cause the snow on the winshield froze there, and the message was probably written before it got to freeze, you can test it on the winter, it's not evil powers, it's nature.

- They say it all started when they picked up the cop. But the car was already trailing them before!

-- They said all the trouble started when they picked him up, the Caddy only followed them and *beep* until they picked up the cop, then they started drag racing, pushing them off the road, etc... That's what they meant.

- The scar on the guy's face did not look realistic at all.

-- Low budget movie, rings any bell ?

- How did the cadillac always know where they were gonna go... and how did it get there before them, even if it was way behind??? (Once again "evil powers" were NOT present to explain this)

-- Well yeah, that's how movies are, they tend to exaggerate things, but mainly I'd say they kept leading them into their own roads, and since they knew that place like the back of their heads (unlike the Minnesota guys who were just visiting), they manipulated them.

- The Saab's side is screwed up pretty good after the race, while the Cadillac doesn't even have one scratch!?

-- There are multiple shots of the car, near the end, when the cop is chasing all 3 of them, where it shows a lot of damages made to the cadillac.

- What's with the overheating engine??? (Again, no "evil powers" to explain it)

-- I can't tell you for sure, but maybe it's cause they overused the engine, not even they know why it happened, cars just die down eventually I guess...

- In the fight(s) they beat the crap out of each other, and apart from a slight cut on ONE of the guys' lips, they're all perfectly O.K.

-- Happens in millions of movies.

- How did Scarface get on the hood of the Cadillac? And how could he have still been alive???

-- If you watch closely, you'll see he's tied there, and later on the cop says he went "ice fishing" using CJ (scarface) as a bait, so that's how he ended up there, they put him there to get to the other guy.

I haven't answered all of them, cause you are right about some of them, but the ones I did answer are either way off base or very common in movies so I don't see why you have to use this movie as a scapegoat.


Another mistake would be the several deer that looked like they were gutted with a chainsaw.The ribs on field dressed deer are not that present in real life.After all,it only takes a knife to gut a deer.Also,wasn't this supposed to be in March?Hunting season for deer would have ended by then and in most parts of the country bucks start to shed thier antlers by March.


Well does everyone wan't to know why the saab overheated? Hmm, it seems to me that when you are in a car race nad pushing your 4 or 6 cylinder engine to the limits, that will heat it up quite a bit. Ecspecially high reving, high rpm engines like that. Hmm, sitting there waiting for that cadillac in the scene where they hid the cow, they were reving the car a lot wich also adds to the overheating. If the coolant level is already low, and it starts to boil, yes you can over heat. It happened to me already before!!! How could you not think that overheating wouldn't happen in that type of situation? It happens in reality all the time,even without punishing the automobile. Are you people not mechanically enclined? Duuuhhhhh !!! Maybe the heater didn't work that well. When you use a finger to write on a window, the oil from your skin remains on the window. Duuhhh!!! Obviously they came back to the garage to get scarface so they could hang him up for bait. Yes ,you can live if you get hit by a car. Yes, some things in the movie were off, like the older brother getting hit between the cadillac and the tree in the end, but it was his ankle not his bloodied uo knee that was hit.


Its awhile since I saw this movie but I stil remember some of the mistakes - and I'm not usually one to pick up mistakes.

In the garage while they are fixing the car and the guy goes to and snack dispener and the cadillac drives thru the window and hits him, the other guys run in and you see the caddy reverse, next shot the guys jump in the car and chase the cadillac, which turns out to be driving across the lake with the guy it hit on the bonnet, yet he wasn't there when the cadillac reversed away from the garage.

That annoyed me so much, without so many mistakes it would be a really good film.


The Saab overheats because the coolant system (radiator) has a leak somewhere in it from the damage after being wrecked. They put snow in it once to fill the radiator back up, they drove for a while and it leaked out again, overheated again, etc.

The "scarface" guy's name is C.J. He's wearing Scott's jacket at the garage, and the bad guys think it's Scott, that's who they are after.

Deer season probably doesn't matter to poachers.

There is a lot of bad editing and continuity in this movie that causes most of the errors.

When the Cadillac is shown sinking through the ice, that looks like CGI IMO. It's definitely CGI when the Cadillac is falling into the camera.


Some of your complaints about the scars, the traction on the lake, etc. are nitpicking about realism and you could find similar things in pretty much any thriller. You do have some valid points though about how the message on windshield didn't come off and the car got back on the street after being totaled. Those things made it seem like there might be something supernatural going on but in the end that turned out not to be the case. I think this actually worked in the film's favor though because it created a sense of uncertainly that i found pretty immersing.

What are words for when no one listens anymore


It's been a while. I literally don't remember this movie anymore. :-)
