'Messing With the Man'

The mentioned mission was the hardest for me so far. I've lost quite a few hours finishing it and every time the hero was wasted I had to go to "save" screen menu, because trying to rerun the mission without sufficient supply of ammo and firearms was a sure way to be beaten in no time.

After all the sufferings my hero died right after the last shot, which he fired and by which he pushed the "havoc meter” to the full... All previous and further missions seem to be easy if compared to "Messing...".

How did you beat this mission? Did you use any special tactics? Maybe one should find or buy some "extremely devastating barrels" before trying it?

Thanks for sharing and regards

'Nu chto gliadite? Ne poluchali davno?'



It was easy,I used the tank and blew the $hit out of everything


Use a flame-thrower on anything and everything.



Yes, thanks, a flame-thrower was much more effective than a rocket launcher. I even had approx 30 secs left when the meter got full.

The words of that dumb crapper Mitch Baker were very misleading to me, because he said: "Grab a bike..." I thought that the character should run over the pedestrians riding an "Angel" or a "Freeway" to reach the goal. Of course it's freaking impossible to waste a lot of people for just a couple of minutes.

'Nu chto gliadite? Ne poluchali davno?'


It was easy,I used the tank and blew the $hit out of everything

I drove up and down the highway running over cars. It was easy.

Don't move! You're surrounded by armed bastards.


Two words: Rocket Launcher. Get as much ammo as you can, this will cause your warning stars to fill quickly, but once you get up to four or five stars the havoc meter fills more quickly. Firing into pedestrians causes the meter to fill quickly, too.

        Sure as God made day and night what's done in the dark will be brought to the light


I'm sure I just got a bike and parked it on the grass, near the biker bar and kept shooting at it.

I made sure that no pedestrians walked in my aim of fire.


I used to find it hard but last time I got on a motorbike and concentrated all my fire on as many vehicles as I could to blow them up. The meter filled up surprisingly quick.


I've always used this method and it's almost foolproof:

Firstly, make sure you've bought the shack on the rooftop across the street from the Greasy Chopper (saves time getting to the mission if you have to restart) and, making sure you're tooled up with rocket launchers and assault rifle ammo, save the game.

On beginning the mission, use the launchers on traffic, pedestrians, the parked bikes, etc. As the cops arrive, switch to the assault rifle and start firing on the police vehicles and cops. This makes your "chaosometer" rise very quickly.

Staying in the immediate vicinity of the Greasy Chopper, run around the corner to the small car park next door (there's some body armour there which you can grab if needed) and carry on firing at the cops, who will continue to pursue you. Stay around that area but try not to stand still for too long, as the cops will take you down fairly quickly.

By now, a police chopper will have arrived. And this is where you can finish the mission quickly - fire your assault rifle continuously at the chopper. The chaosometer will shoot up very quickly. Then, when you've completed the mission (which should be a matter of seconds, especially if you get the chopper to explode), get the hell out of there asap and either lose your wanted level or, if you think you can make it, get back to the shack and save the game.

"Vegetable rights and peace!"


Using assault rifles on choppers is a very effective method. The M4 is obviously the best choice if you want speed, but if you're after accuracy, go for the Ruger.

Otherwise, this mission can be completed in 30 seconds-one minute if you just use a flamethrower. Flamethowers make lovely barbecued cop, I might add .



Never thought of using the flamethrower! Will give it a go next time I play the game through.

"Vegetable rights and peace!"

