The Driver

Is there a secret way to beat this *beep* level? I cannot beat it. I have tried like 50 times.

Rambo is amazingly awesome



All I did was put a hotring racer at the bridge, so I could switch cars. It was easy when im not in that super crap car sentinal

Rambo is amazingly awesome


It's simple. Just don't try to pass him so quick...he speeds up when you do. Let him have the lead for the majority of the race...staying right on his tail. When you get across the small bridge near the Malibu, cut through the grass where the bribe is to get an extremely easy lead right to the final checkpoint (he stays on the road).

If you feel the need for speed, try smacking him into the Washington Mall carpark's ramp. He cannot find his way out :)


I've finished this mission about five times.

There are actually a number of strategies to beat Hilary.

Try NukeyShay's method, Follow him, but focus more on safe driving, on avoiding loose cop cars and on staying as close to him as you can.

Another method, although making the mission trickier, will make beating Hilary easier.

Attain a five-star wanted level by killing eveyrone in the Malibu Club using a pistol or shotgun. If done right, the FBI cars will ram Hilary at the initial countdown or during the course of the race. If you manage to catch up to him, more so on a corner, ram him. This will put him off course, make him sway all over the road and with a bit of luck, slma into a law-enforcing vehicle.

If this doesn't help, then try keeping a wanted level from the start.

'Well, since you put it that way, I'm in.' -Niko Bellic


I was having trouble until I got lucky. At the start of the race, Hilary had a head on collision with a cop car, so I was ahead the whole time. The next insanely hard mission is Keep Your Friends Close.


I put on the 'Cars Fly' cheat. Of course I left the cheat on the whole time (because Hilary comes back every now and then) so I had to drive slowly.
Still, doing it 2 minutes 35 seconds isn't that bad.

It's pretty funny seeing him fly away and crashing into things.

What happens if you kill him? does the mission end?

[I hate humans, and to my horror, I awoke one morning to find that I had become one myself.]


yeah cos you need him for the Bank mission

OK so if you've all finished pissing around hey you get that bloody elbow up!


Man ! This topic dates back to the last year !
As a matter of fact,there is a secret method to win Hillary.
Hillary drives a Sabre Turbo,go to your GTA Vice City Folder and open up handling file,find Sabre Turbo in the list and change it's mass to the maximum,max speed to the lowest,and totally fu*k up it's acceleration measurements.After you've done all that,just save the handling file.Now when you open up the game and start the mission,Hillary can't even move forward ! He will stay there in front of the club during the whole race.After you've passed the mission,you can go back to handling file and change Sabre Turbo's settings back to normal.


I did it this way WITHOUT CHEATING (after about 60 tries), the second the race started I jumped out of my car and shot wildly at his back tires with an M16, managed to shoot at least one of them out, it really screws up his driving. Get back in your car and win the race, if you see an Infernus or something faster you can take it too and continue on.


Go easy on him, he was only halfway through the sex-change operation. =P


You know what really pissed me off about this mission? It wasn't the fact that it was so terribly unfair. Or even the fact that he was invincible...

It was the god da*n fact that you do all of this to get a getaway driver, to have someone work for you...only to have him die when you finally could use him in the Bank Job. So you did all of that work, raced a completely unfair race with a sentinel versus a bulletproof, damageproof, sabre turbo that even if it flipped would still be able to come back in the race...Just to have him die and YOU have to be the getaway driver...

Rockstar is clever. And not without a sense of irony.


Ha ha, good point zion...Hillary sucks. Kind of like 8-Ball in GTA III, he makes you drive him everywhere but he's somehow able to plant that bomb on the freighter even though he bitches about his hands being messed up...Hillary and 8-Ball torque me off...

        Sure as God made day and night what's done in the dark will be brought to the light


One time I beat this mission because his car got stuck in the road you know how that happens sometimes you come across a driver that has the front end of their car stuck in the road. That's what happened once in this mission and I was able to beat him.




I used to hate this mission the most. This is how I ALWAYS beat him: Just after you get over that small bridge on the right (near the start of this mission) floor it and do a P.I.T maneuver on his car. He'll spin out and you can race on ahead, but you gotta floor it and NO slowing down. Cos he'll start to catch up eventually. Doing the no wanted level cheat helps as well.


It took me 6 tries before I just said "*beep* this" and I rammed him into the store where you first get a suit (The blue one) and kept him pinned on my right side, hopped out, shot out as many tires as I could, got back into my car, and finished the race while he tried to finish it while swerving all over the god damned road.


Never had a problem with this mission. But, I hated the mission where you have to remote control some toy helicopters to blow up a building. I was stuck there for like a week!

Chun Li's ASS!!! --->



Try passing the other car when you get passed the first bridge before the police station.


Replaying Vice City now and 'The Driver' is definitely the hardest mission IMO.:S Took me 15 tries or so.:( Managed to do the toy helicopter mission in my first try (way easier than I remembered it), the toy plane mission took 3 tries. 'The Driver' is just... you have to have a bit of luck to finish first definitely.

Hednahären leds av Vintersorg!!!


What you need, is patience.

Oh, and a whopping load of luck.

'Teh' is teh best typo ever.


As soon as the mission started i got out my car and used the blow all vehicles cheat, even though he died as soon as i completed the mission he came back so i drove nice and steady to the last checkpoint, i think that was how i done it anyway :/


If you're going to use cheats in this mission (using any cheats at all in the game will disable you from achieving 100% complete), then put in the Flying Cars cheat. Hilary will drive off, fly up, and land upside down in front of the Washington Beach police station.

