MovieChat Forums > Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002) Discussion > What about this game took you forever to...

What about this game took you forever to notice?

It took me three complete play-throughs to notice that things in the Vercetti Mansion changed over time, for instance the paintings on the walls being defaced and trash piling up in the hallways...
Plus I realized that you get small trophies in the Ocean Beach room, for instance the "Shooter of the Month" mannequin head thing...ha ha...
And of course the dead body hanging (assumedly on a meat hook)behind Sonny in the opening scene of the game...

        Sure as God made day and night what's done in the dark will be brought to the light


The fact the decorations on the Mr. Whoopee resembles breasts. (I'm a bit slow. )

Who can take you higher than a twin peak mountain blue?


The easter egg inside an accessible window across from a helicopter in downtown.


The fact that you already see Lance Vance in the very first cutscene when the deal goes wrong. He is in the helicopter.


• I only noticed Lance in the helicopter at the start last time I started the game (a few weeks ago).
• Took me a while also to notice the ice cream company's roof things resemble breasts (which are gone in Vice City Stories...)
• The Ghost Tower. I read about it but I thought it wasn't in my game, then it was when I played it recently. All the times I've flown a helicopter over there and not noticed it.
