MovieChat Forums > Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002) Discussion > Did you spot sharks while playing?

Did you spot sharks while playing?

As to me - yes. During a thunderstorm. Gloomy weather and a shark slowly moving by the shore. Looked terrific.

Can they attack the character when he is, for instance, neck-deep in the water?

'Glavnoye v cheloveke ne vneshnost, a vnutrennosti.'


Stay away from the mushrooms dude

Waiting for: Alien: Colonial Marines, God of War 3, Midnight Club 4, GTA4: Vice City (hoping).


Haha yeah I saw them. They were stiff though.

"I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!"


I've been eaten by the sharks before.
Or you can see people

Its rare though, if you shoot someone off a boat and their body ends up in the water, usually the sharks come and all you see is water spurting up.
Then the bodys gone.

Meaning a shark came and ate it probably because of the blood.

I was eaten once down by the lighthouse haha. but you gotta bleed for them to come ;D



I saw one once on a nice sunny day, while I was driving a bunch of hookers into the water (as you do).
I haven't seen once since unfortunately, I want to get one to eat Tommy.
