MovieChat Forums > Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002) Discussion > some answers 4 the questions members ask...

some answers 4 the questions members asked

0ok is there a lil havana in miami and does it look like it in the game? the answer is yes theres a lil havana in miami i know this bcuz i live in miami and i use to live near lil havana...the last avenue of lil havana does not lead to lil haiti, it leads to the south side of downtown infact lil haiti ends near the middle of downtown...n yes in real life thats how the houses n stores look like just more defined cuz were in the future lol

does downtown look like it really some ways yes in alot of ways NO....downtown is huuuuuuuuge with alot more buildings, clubs n a more colorful neon atmosphere...but still it can resemble the miami dwntwn atmosphere

south beach in my opinion is the only location that they made it look like it really is....the atmosphere, apartment buildings, even the mall, except that in real its an outdoor mall all are in south beach. only problem is the avenue behind ocean drive(collins ave.) has more buildings, clubs that glow and the street behind that one has it too...also its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay crowded that u cant even find parking, n thats that south beach started emerging as a great hang out spot in the early 1980s n in the game were in 1986

last the whole cocaine deals, money and drug war problems is all true, there was a time when miami was all about money, coke, drugs, n sex it still is now just a lil more taken care of by the gov. but that was the reality of it i never lived thru the 80s i was born in 1990 but my grandpa who came from cuba in 1963 told me thats how he had to survive by making easy money.
