Next GTA in Vice city ?

I've read rumours on the internet claiming that the next GTA should take place in Vice city just a few times after the 1986 story ends...

LNA "the girl that walked the earth" 86


That would be interesting, Vice City was always my favorite GTA game, mainly because of the story and without it being all dark like GTA III and not being gangsta like San Andreas. It'd be cool to have another realistic GTA game that'll take place in Vice City where it looks more similar to Miami and not a Scarface envirnment.

"I'd rather die than go to Heaven!" - William Murderface


I totally agree Heavy Metal Genre, I also dislike the dark athmosphere of the others, Sun under ass is way too dark for me if you see what I mean...

LNA "the girl that walked the earth" 86


Absolutely. I mean, imagine cruising a breathing replica of Miami. From Miami Beach to Hollywood and in between. That'd be friggin sweet.

Hopefully the producers and programers follow the desire of the fans and crowd. A return to Vice City, even if it's set in a modern era, would be awesome.

On Ignore '08: rimeshot/pathfinder


I agree with you guys. I hope for a next-gen Vice City as well, i prefer the 80ies again, but i guess i could live with a VC in a more modern era as well.
Plenty of good old rock, new wave, synthpop left for a new installment!

One thing though: bring back Fernando Martinez! "Por favor, mi amor, siolito. It's like Fernando saying to his ex-wife: please, don't leave me, it is not what you think, i was bitten by a snake, and the nice lady, sucked out the poision. The story, she no work very well" ^^

Waiting for: Alien: Colonial Marines, God of War 3, Midnight Club 4, GTA4: Vice City (hoping).


If they let me write the next GTA, that would be fabulous !
You can't figure out all the fun and fantasy I could bring...

LNA "the girl that walked the earth" 86


I think they were just following up the whole New York-worshipping theme common in Hollywood movies for GTA IV, I doubt they'll redo Vice City. They'll probably try something new, like Chicago, or preferably another coastal city. It'd be nice to see them make another state.
