Biker Mission

I am on the second biker mission and it says to raise the chaous meter but ive tried everything i dont no what to do anybody know??


You're on the mission 'Messing With the Man'.

Well, what exactly is your problem? Not being able to raise the chaos in enough time? Get a Flamethrower (one can be found in VicePort off the road to the west of containers in the southeast corner of the area) and torch anything and everything you can find.

The Flamethrower allows for a faster build-up of Chaos in the meter, allowing you to complete the mission in a faster amount of time.

Once you complete the mission, your wanted level will remain the same, so head on over to Pay 'N' Spray in Little Haiti.

Another method for mission completion, from

Messing With The Man

You will have to show the city how pissed you are. Don't ask why, just do it. You'll have to create a lot of chaos, so the chaos-meter will fill up. You must fill the whole bar within two minutes in order to complete the mission.

This is not that hard. Just get some weapons with ammo before you start the mission. Molotov Cocktails, a Colt (together with about 200 bullets) and a Rocket Launcher with some rockets will do. Now create some havoc already before you start the mission. A two-star wanted level will do. Then start with the mission. After the mission briefing, run immediately to the stairs that lead to the roof of the building opposite the Greasy Chopper. Get up, and walk to the end of the roof (shown in the picture below).

Now keep messing with your weapons until you have a three-star wanted level. Best way to do this is by shooting on police cars with your Colt. Now wait until a helicopter comes in. The only thing you have to do now is just keep shooting at the helicopter with your Colt. Don't destroy it with your Rocket Launcher, since it will explode then, and the bar will only fill up a little bit. If you keep shooting with your Colt however, you'll be able to fill up the whole bar. Kill any SWAT-members that might come out of the helicopter.

I've also heard about a trick that you can keep shooting on a car, even after it has exploded, but this did not work for me, so it probably only works in the PlayStation 2 version of the game. An overall tip: play this mission in the afternoon (in-game), so you can be sure there will be enough vehicles to destroy. I once played it at night, and I couldn't get a third wanted-star, because there were no cars at all on the streets, not even police cars.

Once you've filled the bar you've completed the mission. Your wanted-star level remains though. No problem: just save your game at the Skumole Shack save point (it's located on the same roof where you are), or buy it first if you didn't own it already (it will only cost you $1000). Just save your game, then reload, and your wanted-stars are gone.

I hope this'll help.

'Well, since you put it that way, I'm in.' -Niko Bellic


Here's a YouTube video of "Messing with the Man" from user GTAmissions:

GTAmissions has 806 videos as of this posting date (Most of the GTA series).

The first VC mission video starts on page 10: e=10

and finishes on page 6: e=6

Note: the page numbers might vary over time due to the addition of new videos.

I would suggest using the link in the above post also as that will also help you with other main-line missions, sub-missions and various goodies the game has to offer.


I usually wait until I've collected 90 packages and gotten a free tank! Nothing like rolling over feds and soldiers at 6 stars to raise that meter.


Hmmmm... I'll have to try that. I've got a tank in my garage at Vercetti Mansion.
