How do I know?

ok. i've heard great things about GTO, and the ratings for it are awesome, so i thought i'd give it a try. I've only watched one episode, and it was just OK for me, not bad, not great, just OK. Now, try and contain your wishes to yell at me and call me a newbie and a retard and all that. My question to you GTO lovers is:

Is GTO an anime that grows on you, or do you know whether you love it or hate it right from the start? How many episodes should I watch before I decide if it's for me or not?



first episode is good for me but it's a pilot episode, like an OVA and not necessarily connected to the main plot. if you wish, you could try a few more episodes, at least it will not be boring. or just try episode 16, one of the most hilarious ones.


Wow I thought I was the only one who started to really love this series at episode 16. I *heart* Urumi.


ok first of all it gets fantastic my favourite series by far it deals with the most touching topics ever for teenagers nowadays, it deals with issues like sex and drugs and suicde which is very connon in japan nowadays,it also shows us teachers can be more than just people that teach us, it has very good messages throughout the film and relays them to us through humour, this is good because the character is funny and you grow to love him, anyways saying that i say the creator was a genius and did a very good job when it finished i got really sad and prayed for another series but i was completely satisfied, however remember anime all comes down to personal taste so what i reckon is if you don't like it after the first episode keep watching it because it might get better.


well, GTO simply grows on you. you should watch the entire collection first, let it rest a few weeks, then watch it again. The second time you watch it, the plot really gets to you in a profound way, and you then start to really understand Onizuka. If you want my opinion on which episodes to watch before making up your mind, then I'd say you'd better watch until ep. 8. Btw, ep.16 really is *beep* hilarious...


Every episode is on youtube. Just type "gto 1" (1-43)

And hey, if you like it, order the complete series you cheapies. ^_^


so far I've only seen the first four episodes, and I enjoy it. I read on here that there was only one season of GTO. that's a shame, it's such a groovy show

HiFis around me, HiTech just turns me on
From my Video to my Radio


call me weird, but for me it was when the music began to grow on me. especially the second ending theme Shizuku


not that weird but I for one liked the anime way more than I liked the soundtrack, and yes it grows on you. it was one of the first animes I ever watched, recommended to me by a friend and after the first episode I was kind of interested but after watching 5 episodes I was hooked up, overall it's a nice, funny ride that makes you think about serious things sometimes. I even looked for the manga which I found even better after the anime, suffice to say that the way the manga ends seemed better. Guess my comment is too late for the OP, but since there are 7 months between the first and the last post a comment coming 1 year later ain't such a big deal and it might be useful for people that didn't see this one.


A friend recommended this anime to me. I just saw a few episodes of it and so far I hate it but still loveit at the same time. I just hate it when Onizuka panics and then you see all these lines. It's a minor rant. Other than that I think I'm going to want to buy this on dvd.


I usually don't like old animes because of their typical bad animation quality. I hated the so called "highly rated" old animes like Beserk and Legends of Galactic Heroes but I loved this one though because its such a realistic touching story. And yes I thought it was kind of "meh" at the first episode too, but as the people before said, it really grows on you!
