SPOILERS Casca and Gatsu

I cannot discuss “Berserk” before pointing out how spectacularly marvelous a series it is! As to what I want to discuss precisely, I think that sadly Casca still loved Griffith. At some point in the series we are led to believe that Casca abandons her love for Griffith and becomes entirely enamored of Gatsu. However, after the band succeeds in freeing Griffith, Casca decides that she was no longer going with Gatsu as she told him she would. We have the legitimacy to re-question Casca’s true feelings for Gatsu. There is no denying that she is attracted to Gatsu, but to equate that type of attraction to love is not supported with lots of evidence. It is very normal that she would feel something and get attracted to somebody like Gatsu. He is incredibly valiant. He saves her life. He fights and defeats a hundred men. He is the closest person to Griffith. He is different from everybody else, and eventually he defeats Griffith himself and quite easily didn’t he. Casca could have never succeeded in freeing Griffith without the help of Gatsu. I’m not saying that she purposefully acts as if she loves Gatsu just to convince him to help her free Griffith, but chances are that subconsciously she knows she wouldn’t have a shot at setting Griffith free without the assistance of Gatsu. And because of that, she somehow leads Gatsu to believe that they were going to be together after that last mission. Still, Gatsu would have helped Griffith without that kind of prospect put on the table. But deep down she didn’t want to leave any percentage as little as it might be that Gatsu wouldn’t help with freeing Griffith. Throughout his life, Gatsu seems to have been betrayed by everybody: Gambino, Griffith and Casca (either intentionally or unintentionally by Casca) , and all he gets from trusting the last two is losing and eye and a forearm.


You are reading into things way too much. Casca fell in love with Guts because Guts was actually there for her as a person and an equal unlike Griffith who only saw the Band Of The Hawk as stepping stones to his dream (including Casca). Griffith wasn't about anyone but himself.

She figured this out pretty much when she witnessed him making moves on the Princess which would be a shortcut to getting his own kingdom. The story she tells Guts about the night Griffith prostituted himself out just to achieve his goals further helped her come to the conslusion that he is all about his dream regardless of who he has to use and manipulate to achieve it.

While Casca figures this out the long hard way Guts figures it out quickly through over hearing the speech Griffith gives to the Princess about what he considers a true friend and equal.

Once she recognized Guts as a man she could actually stand beside and not behind is when her feelings towards him started to change. This is why she temporarily gets mad at Guts when he mentions leaving the Band Of The Hawk again once Griffith is freed to find a dream and reason for living for himself. She thinks Guts is mirroring Griffith's mindset until Guts reassures her and asks her to come with him. They share another intimate moment following the conversation once all her doubts are set aside and she finally realizes with Guts the feelings are mutual. Opposed to being one-sided with Griffith.

Casca was not manipulating anyone to rescue Griffith. Everyone in the Band and Guts wanted to free him because they were loyal. Griffith has the gift of charisma and everyone he met felt close to him as if he were blood. He was there leader and was important to each Hawk for different reasons.

Casca chose not to leave with Guts after rescuing Griffith because of the frail condition he and the Band was in. He could not survive on his own and he was once the man who helped her save her own life. Casca could not just just choose to abandon Griffith and the Band in their time of greatest need. The guilt of that would have destroyed her. So she told Guts she had to stay. Guts who loved her also choose to stay because of her.


Solid arguments in support of Casca’s feelings for Gatsu, " what you would call ‘love’". However, we’re not scrutinising whether Casca has feelings for Gatsu or not. She certainly does. We’re rather trying to verify the nature of these feelings, if these feelings are those of love; or in a more tangible way who she has stronger feelings for, Griffith or Gatsu. You trace Casca’s decision to stay with Griffith solely to his physical condition, and I see many pieces of evidence that contradict that. Firstly, the scene that precedes Casca’s decision not to go with Gatsu. She literally found herself beneath Griffith, and how symbolic that is! It is very sound to assume that a scene like that was what re-kindled her feelings of love for Griffith. Secondly, if she decided to stay with Griffith because he was in such a pitiable condition, she wouldn’t have needed to be under him physically to decide he needed her. Thirdly, after she told Gatsu that she was going to stay with Griffith, and Gatsu told her he was staying too, she didn’t rejoice or exhibit any form of relief or happiness. After all, she was supposedly going to be with the man she loved, and satisfy a moral obligation towards a man she respected and felt pity for and indebted to. Also, we know that Gatsu would have helped in freeing Griffith, and that he didn’t need to be lured to make that call. However, we‘re not told the story from the eyes of Casca. It’s not because we know that Casca knows too. We have a more panoramic view. We get to hear Gatsu’s monologues. We know more about him than she does. And even if she knew he was going to help Griffith no matter what, it would have been better for her to be sure Gatsu was going to help, as in being sure is better than knowing.


I know its over a year later since your comments, but if I may, the skullknight did tell guts that if casca becomes normal again, to beware, because what she might want isn't going to be what he wants.


Yes, it seems like Casca is moving away from Guts and she doesn't remember anything, so who knows what will become of them. Who knows if she'll retain the memories she has now... Guts has gone "berserk" a couple of times (if you've read the manga). It would be an immeasurably cruel twist of fate if she goes back to Griffith though...
