The Ending... *Spoilers*

For those who like the anime, well and good.

But in my opinion this series should have ended at ep 18 where they come back victorious or at ep 19 when Guts departs on his own way.

After that it was only a gore kind of anime. Monsters, torture, rape, and alot of other weird stuff. And most importantly they left the series unconcluded. i.e Casca is getting raped by grifith/femto and guts is left there to watch it.

The ending just left me bewildered and wondering that what was the purpose or point of this anime?? It is similar to the ending of Neon Genesis Evangalion which also leaves you thinking...

Cowboy bebop and trigun are just a year apart from this anime but they have pretty much straight story line and a sorted out ending.

My point is the last 4 episodes(ending) was really hard to grasp on !!


The anime was far more clean, in comparison to the manga it's based on. It's a rather on spot portrayal of war and religion in the middle ages, which, if it hasn't been noticed, was the setting of the series.

The end was cut rather short, due to the production company, so the story never came remotely full circle to the introduction of Gatsu.

The other 2 series you mentioned had a less dark theme, along with a more mainstream following at the time too. Series like that usually see completion, at least with the anime side.

The manga is still going, and it still hasn't come full circle, but the followup to what happens in the last episode explains more or the reasoning of what happened, and Gatsu's resolve to pursue Griffith.


So manga should be rated 8.9 not the anime ???

and not a big fan of manga.


I'm right around chapter 300 of the manga. There have been many points up to now where having it animated would have made it even more enjoyable. The manga is still a better manga than say 2 of the "big 3" currently (One Piece (never read), Bleach, and Naruto).

The only annoyance with certain manga I have, is some are monthly chapter releases. Claymore is a example of this, and I just haven't kept up with the manga because of it, and it's created some plot holes for me when I try to catch up.

But yes, Berserk's manga would rate around a 8.9 for the first 200 or so chapters. It dips up and down from there.


Im only concerned with anime. Berserk manga maybe good but anime certainly shouldnt be 8.9
I wouldnt recommend berserk to anyone !!


The anime deserves its high rating because it accomplishes so much story in so little time. For most people they felt for the characters, and the events that take place later are actually extremely meaningful because of how much we care. The anime is really only the beginning of the story that is told in the manga, but its really the best part of the story. It's the building of the friendship into the pure betrayal, but we don't know exactly why and that's really what makes it worth watching.
It's an extremely well done anime that manages to conjure up many different emotions.

Anyway, you may not like the end but I think the end is what makes the beginning so good, knowing everything they went through and yet it turns out the way it does.

Bottom line: this show is great, it creates a realistically dark world and fills it with hope but quickly lets reality crash down and makes for a very entertaining show.


Ahhh ... I see you are a manga-boy too.

Okay. Heres the deal. Keep manga and anime separate. Obviously anime is based on manga but there is a large number of people who dont read manga and only prefer anime.

Now would you recommend berserk to anyone? or would you yourself watch it considering there is a blind end to this anime? and those rape scenes and straying gore and sky turning to red faces with no particular reason and monsters celebrating by eaten humans??

Manga and anime are related but you have to keep them apart. They have to be judged separately. I was really hooked up till episode 19 but after that it just came stashing down.


everything I wrote about was for the anime. I've recommended Berserk to many people and I will continue to do so. I watched the anime without knowing anything of the manga and I thought the ending was appropriate, the world is in chaos and hope is lost. You're assuming that something else is going to happen or should happen, other people are perfectly content with assuming that it is the end.

About the rape and gore, there was a reason for all of it. It was hinted at and shown throughout the entire story, there's a war going on and there are demons in the world. Griffith wants something unrealistic which means the only way to get it is other worldly powers and tremendous sacrifice.

You saying the manga and anime should be judged separately is wrong, they cover the same story they just have different beginning and end points. The anime does a n amazing job of converting the manga into an anime that has some sort of ending, where the manga is still ongoing and honestly looks like it will never be finished.

All you're saying is 'I don't like gore and although it was hinted at the entire show, i'm completely oblivious and didn't like that it wasn't a fairy tale ending'. You dislike what draws so many people into watching, recommending, and rewatching the show...that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve its rating or that the ending is bad.


is like he choose to forget the first episode. is am anime with a ending based in the original story is supposed to be base on. and that matter it success.

but if you want to go with the happy ending route, just stop at 19.


Yeah. well maybe i should. atleast it makes a story till ep 19.

Compared to death note, steins gate, code geass, cowboy bebop, trigun, hellsing and avatar, berserk seems ehhhh.


I only came here since Ive just finished the series, all in all a amazing anime but I can agree a lot of previous posters (on the forum) about the ending. Sudden and kinda left you you hanging without much to grab on to.

Anyway, had to whine somewhere about this.
I can appreciate sour endings, or endings with questions. But this one is just, not that great. It finishes off most charaters (not the important ones) and leaves you with a badtaste and no answers.

Can understand people that have been reading the manga and got a lot better answers on how and why, also a follow up in general. Since I, as many others, havent read the manga volumes the ending is ridiculously unsatisfieing.

Then again maybe they wanted to rip the heart out of the viewer, stomb on it for 1 and 1/2 episode and point at you like Nelson in Simpsons and say "haha".


At last someone who agrees. Ending was kinda stupid.


Is it just me that think it would have been better with more closure... I mean at least show how he survived


Like you I saw the anime and felt let down by the ending. I put in the first disc right after I watched the last episode and rewatched episode one and it made a lot more sense. I agree from the standpoint of the anime ending that it sucked however it made me want to read the anime which is what I did. However there are new movies out with better animation and if you watch part 3 when it comes out in english I think you will find it gives you a better ending and also a new begining because it looks like they will do more.


Just finished the anime too. Haven't read the manga.

That show was great (although a little unbalanced: a lot of time is spent on an uninteresting war), mostly due to the great relationship between Griffith, Guts and Casca.

But I kind of agree: the last two episodes are awesome, but the ending is kinda... strange. Not because of the story: because of the editing.

Same thing can be said concerning each pre-opening scenes, the intermissions in the middle of each episode, the ending of each episode.

Each time it seems abrupt, leaving the audience with a feeling of bad editing.

The key scenes are not long enough, a few seconds seems to be missing to really MAKE THE POINT of each turn. The anime loses a few of its grandeur because of it.

That's wat happens at the end: a few seconds, a wide shot, a moving shot, a black screen with music and sound going on, or anything else that would do the trick, is missing...

But, like I said, great show nonetheless.



I just finished the series as well and was more than unsatisfied with the ending, because to me it didn't seem like an ending at all, from what it sounds like it ended this way because of production or something, not on its own terms.

At the beginning of the series I assumed Griffith would eventually die (which he does or becomes a demon), and Guts would set out to avenge him. It seems like that is what was supposed to happen but he never gets to avenge Griffith, it just ends abruptly. So I don't think you can justify this ending at all, the anime series is an unfinished story.

Even though the series seems unfinished to me I don't regret watching it, there were a lot of great episodes and overall it had a great story with really amazing characters I just wish I knew it was unfinished so I could've lowered my expectations for the last few episodes.

Also, would you change the format of the show? Instead of having the show take place in the present and flashback to the past for the remainder of the show I think I would've liked the show to go back and forth from past to present as Guts got closer to avenging Griffith. Intertwining the past with the present would've allowed us to see more of the story which would've been nice.
