MovieChat Forums > Kenpuu Denki Berserk (2002) Discussion > I need to talk with a real Berserk Fan w...

I need to talk with a real Berserk Fan who has answers

Ok so I watched the Anime. I loved it. Really loved it. I watched the new Golden Age films. I did my best to read the Mangas but I never have read Mangas before and I am so confused. I need someone to really breakdown Berserk and all the Arcs for me. I really want to know the rest of this story, so far its incredible. If someone has time write back or PM me. I have tons and tons of questions. I researched some of the Arcs Spoilers I know the tower situation and Griffith resurrects or w/e but I need explanations.

Her Name Was Elia Martell!!! You Raped Her!!! You Murdered Her!!! You Killed Her Children!!!!


Just read the manga bro, there are plenty of free sites, it's exactly like a comic only you have to get used to the different format. Don't let other people spoil it for you, just read it yourself and you will be much more satisfied, if you have specific questions once you are DONE reading, that's a different story.

reply Send me your questions.


I see you are a GoT fan I too love the books and can see why you would also love berserk. I will not spoil it for you but only encourage you to read the manga as I had never read any before berserk either but its not hard to get use to and very rewarding as it is awesome
