Favorite Line in the anime?

The one that made me laugh was when Guts fought Adon.

'Cmon! Lets fight! I need it, I have to fight until the voices stop, I want to fight until I remember nothing.......'


Oh, so many. As always for me in a great production.
Wich in the other hand is a good thing.

Some of them :

"Youre right, we are mortal and fraggile. But even if we are tortured ore wounded, we fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel, and understand.
I am the messenger, who will unpeal you that pain and understanding!"

"My sword tastes for your blood!"

"This is *beep* You think you can drag us to this gotdamned place, and say whatever the hell you want?!"

"You leaving? Dont get yourself killed."

"No one wants to awenge Sampson?!
- No, not realy."

"This is no time to sit on your as. Commander." *smiles*

"You treat me like some kind of a friend, after you stabbed ME!"

Dawn of the Dead ยด78 is the best movie ever.


"My apologies, not only have I come unforgivable late, but I appear to have gotten my Lady's chamber all wet."

Best line in any anime, hands down.


I'm cheating, and choosing a line from the manga, but I don't think you'll complain.

"The reward for ambition too great...is self destruction."~Guts


Guts, Episode 20

"This is it. All I am. I don't know my dream, but from this day forth I wield my sword for no other man. I will seek, and sparks will light my path."

I probably watched the whole anime five times, but I still get goose bumps when watching this scene, and at lots of other scenes aswell!


Even if a fish jumps, it cannot change the flow of the river.

You mark that frame an 8 and you're entering a world of pain!
- Walter Sobchak


"GRRRRIFFFTH!!!!!!!" - Everbody in the anime

No seriously my favorite lines are:

" I don't konw what the future will bring, all I know is I want to keep holdong you a hundred... no a thousand times more. That's how I feel right know." - Guts

" You sure cry a lot, don't you?" I guess these are my last words - Judeau

Corkus when he is about to die: "Damn it"


My favorite line from the manga:

"If you're always worried about crushing the ants beneath you, you won't be able to walk."


mine's pretty big. but i loved the ending of episode one.

"You're right. We are mortal and fragile, but even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel, and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."

Badass anime. i never watched any others tbh but i don't think anything could top Berserk even if i did. i'll take suggestions though. :p

I love you Fahrenheit. (L)


Guts to Casca after the hundred man battle:

"Please stop shaking me, it's not helping the pain."

I will close my ears and my heart and I will be a stone


I'm paraphrasing as I don't have the anime in front of me.

"Why do I always love when it is lost to me."

Yeah, I butchered the line. Guts said it to himself as he realized that he was always looking for a family. He had the Hawks but lost them.



here's mine:
"bonfire of dreams"
"...and to survive is to be victorious"


The stronger that any light shines, the darker the shadows around him grow.


this one, when the queen burning looked down on Griffith, he said:

"Death on the battlefield comes regardless of class, royal or common. The loser must die."

"Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality. "


"My love for you... is like a truck. BERSERRRRRKER!"

In all seriousness, though, I recall Griffith's speech toward the end of episode 10 to be quite remarkable. Don't remember the specifics of it though.
