DVD and Blu ray May 23rd

@earlbox tweeted the image below, which says that the DVD/Blu-ray will be be available on May 23rd. CDJapan has listed the price at 6090 yen after taxes, which is about $70US. Quite pricey for an 80 minute movie



And for being almost fully CG... I am greatful but still. I would pay anything for handmade, but this...

and whats up with the CG anyway? Why couldnt they make something like at least vampire hunter d bloodlust from 2000... For gods sake they made much better animation over 10 years ago. I mean Bloodlust aint fully handmade either, but look at it. Its well detailed and the motions looks natural unlike in this one for example. CG should only be used as help, but not build entire animation with it...

I hope they change the animation quality/style after these 3 movies. I really do. Whats the point in waiting almost 15 years and then come up with something like this in a hurry? Im ready to wait 5-10 years if we could have another full season of Berserk and the rest of it in the near future.


Yea I agree with you.

I am just glad that their idea is to continue on with the story where the original berserk series stopped. The CG is obviously much better but it isnt great, Probably cost saving measures were put in place.


$70? What's with the ridiculously high price? They'd probably fair better if it was much cheaper.
