Unentertaining crap

I'm at a sleepover right now and my friends are watching this movie and I just can't be entertained by it. They are all thoroughly enjoying it but I just can't. Maybe not immature or shallow minded enough to like this. But anyway it's thoroughly boring me


Cool story bro


Lol right?!


You say you are having a sleepover? This means you are in high school or grade school. Wait until you get to college. Then you will truly appreciate this movie. You will learn that a) sometimes you just need to lighten up, b) smashing things is really fun, and c) its even funnier when other people do it.

Love's turned to lust and blood's turned to dust in my heart.


It's not for everybody.

But, then again, what is?

If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong!


the reason you dont enjoy it is not cause you are intelectual
its cause you are an uptight retarded virgin
hopefully you get cancer


wow really ? i love jackass so mutch but everyone is diffrent , just *beep* off wishing people to Die becuse theY Dont Like what u Like ? i bet u got No friends fk twatt


Lol, you think cause you don't like Jackass that makes you mature? LOL! Jackass 2 is probably a comedy masterpiece and Jackass 3 is fantastic (this is coming from a film fanatic mind you). Though you are right, this is by far the least entertaining jackass film.

But please don't think of yourself as intelligent and not-shallow just because you don't like a film, that's what pretentious idiots think.


Okay, first off, I'm someone who takes movies seriously. Secondly, I hate juvenile humor, and third, I hate films with no plot. That said, this movie is awesome. It's funny, exciting, and it entertains me. It's a good way to kill two hours. It's no masterpiece, but that's okay. Jackass the Movie is good for what it is.


It’s just fun to watch silly movies like these just for some cheap laughs.
