MovieChat Forums > Mystic River (2003) Discussion > As disgusting as Goodfellas

As disgusting as Goodfellas

Yet another technical achievement with great acting, that teaches you how to be a crappy human being, same *beep* as goodfellas, i don´t understand the love for this movies that first of all are not the reason film is important in life, there is something called documentaries if you wanna make something like this, altho a documentary is neutral and does not glorify disgusting human behavior.

People who love this movie or Goodfellas are the kind of people that you should never trust, movies that glorify crappy characters who do horrible things should not be made, there are a very few exceptions that have some amazing execution like the original ¨Infernal Affairs¨ not the mega crappy Departed.

Praise the acting, praise the cinematography, praise everything, but if you have any sort of human quality you should hate this pretentious movies that lack the perfect execution needed for this type of endings.




It's always hilarious when people watch movies and completely miss the point.

If you think that this film or Goodfellas is about glorifying or romanticizing the gangster lifestyle, maybe you should stick to light comedies or somesuch. Both films show the sleazy underbelly of organized crime and how it affects those caught up in it. How you could miss that is beyond me.


Why would i stick to light comedies anyway? If that was meant to be offensive then your opinion is worthless, I mean you are trying to imply you are superior cos you don't think Amelie, Modern Times and The Kid are good movies??

Yes I think Goodfellas is exactly about that, and there is not any part of the movie including the ending where i can be proven wrong EVER.

The Godfather is what Requiem for a Dream is for drug movies.
Goodfellas is what Get him to the Greek is for drug movies.

How could you assume i missed such a disgustingly simple explanation that reminds me of "Faces of Death" attempting of being an avant-garde when it's just a random exploitation bad snuff film, is beyond me.


"Amelie" is insipid hipster trash.


The Godfather is what Requiem for a Dream is for drug movies.

Requiem for a Dream only romanticized or glorified drug use to the incredibly stupid. As I recall, Burstyn's character winds up in a semi-vegetative state because of an amphetamine addiction, Connelly's character becomes a prostitute to support her habit, Leto loses his arm thanks to an infected needle, and Wayons winds up in prison. Now, you think life in prison, brain damage, becoming a hooker, or gangrene are appealing, then you're absolutely right, Requiem for a Dream glorified and romanticized drug addiction.


And I agree with you... Cos that is exactly what i meant... Requiem doesnt glorify drug use. Get him to the Greek does thats why i compare that movie to Goodfellas.


Your post compared Requiem for a Dream to The Godfather and Get Him to the Greek to Goodfellas.

The Godfather, while great from a film-making point of view, presents a very romanticized and idealized picture of organized crime. For example, Corleone is portrayed as being too honorable a man to engage in the cocaine or heroin trade because it "harms children." In reality (as in Goodfellas), the mob had few qualms about selling drugs if it meant money.

Goodfellas shows gangsters as brutal thugs (as was Jimmy in Mystic River), not as gentlemen. If you want to complain about films that whitewash or romanticize organized crime, you picked the wrong movies.


If this was a debate you would have won, I could not explain myself properly.
Yes while the Godfather does exactly what you say, it feels that there is some sort of justice, he is portrayed as being too honorable to engange in the trade cos it harms children, therefore he does not die after being shot for selfish reasons, instead he dies while playing with his grandson (a kid) it is very poetic and lovely. There is a fictional sense of justice, everyone gets what they deserve, Tommy De Vito dies almost off screen... or off screen i dont remember clearly after doing so many disgusting things for 2 hours, while Sonny Corleone gets a proper death a horrible one, for overreacting in defense of his sister...

Mystic River and Goodfellas showed me horrible people doing horrible acts AND WINNING!

Goodfellas sould of been a documentary.


No megaruda, Vito doesn't want to get involved simply because narcotics is too much trouble. And you see it in Goodfellas, the made-men disapprove of their drugs.

It even says it in the film, their other sources of revenue are simply tolerated vices.


Well I am assuming about the subtext in the dialogues, Vito Corleone puts all his family in trouble just for being afraid of narcotics being too much trouble? I honestly felt he had real ideals but he couldn't say that to them, they needed a more believable argument to leave him alone, but that is just my interpretation of the character, so you are technically absolutely right, but I think it was one of the films strong points, to portray cold blooded killers as people who care about their family are so happy about weddings have all this "old school" mentality in which drugs are not involved, alcohol, gambling and prostitution are considered harmless vices.

Goodfellas is ugly because all the bad guys do whatever they want, we are supposed to love them and most people do... And they basically win, they don't get the horrible deaths they deserve.


So you hate one of the greatest movies of all time? Ok, cool, glad to know we can all COMPLETELY discount your opinion on everything now.


Mega-whatever-your-name is, you are a hypocrite. You say Mystic River and Goodfellas are disgusting, yet you praise the horrible death of Sonny Corleone, for being horrible, because he kicked the crap out of a scumbag who beat his sister?



Why'd you reply to me???


I don't praise it for being horrible, but he got what he deserved because he was told to be cautious not to overreact I was on his side I would of done the same for my sister but logic won, they told him not to do it yet he did it anyways as planned. They knew he couldn't control himself. If you can't control yourself even when it's obvious it's a trap, I felt sorry for him but he didn't think so he died.




Fallacies that are not even worth destroying to be honest...

I obviously missed the point eh? This ain't Donnie Darko or Mulholland Dr. Is not open to interpretation yet you can start that pretentious fallacy and believe in it just as if Scorsese was a religion since he seems to work as such, people can't seem to realize when he does a bad movie or a good movie, they just assume they are good cos everyone says so, your comparisons are awful. I am really not even arguing and just ad hominem the hell outta your "argument" since is as I said, a fallacy not worth destroying.


Goodfellas is supposed to make the mob appealing that is, only in the first half. it's supposed to present to the audience the draw that the life style has, ergo the reason Henry Hill wanted to be a part of it. The second half, the most important half, is all about how it really is. Horrible moral decisions, lying, cheating, paranoia, addiction, prison. If you want to be in the mafia after seeing Goodfellas you obviously missed a lot of it, and if you don't, well then there goes your argument. Glorify the mafia The film, as a whole, does not.

It doesn't glorify the mafia any more than Full Metal Jacket glorified war, or Boogie Nights glorified the porn industry or Requiem for a Dream glorified heroin.

All good points and entirely on the mark, but the OP is either a troll out to be provocative and contrary for its own sake, or is just monumentally pig-headed and impervious to any kind of information or reason. Don't bother.


I really don't see how anybody can see Mystic River and come to the conclusion that it glorifies violence. In fact, I would think that most viewers are fairly horrified and saddened by the crescendo of violence at its climax.


Crescendo of violence?? Where?? it's plain, boring and gross. It glorifies violence in a boring serious way. I don't really see how can anyone think there is a CRESCENDO OF VIOLENCE in Mystic River unless it's the first movie with a gunshot they've ever seen.


Obviously, we disagree.

In what ways do you think this movie - in any respect - glorified violence? I thought that it decried violence in the strongest terms, and of course - while it didn't show it (good decision)- you also feel for Dave Boyle, and what he endured and still lived with in his shame.

As I recall, the scene at the house of the two brothers ...when Sean comes to the house of Brendan and Silent Ray Harris... was either back-to-back or interspersed with the scene when Dave confesses and meets his fate.

I don't mind disagreements, but I have no idea why you would say that either scene - or the movie, itself - began to glorify violence. I found it to be portrayed as horrifying and profoundly sad.


Bigots got away with it. You feel that Dave is guilty no matter what because of the bigot way you were raised, the movie simply does not work, it was made by a bigot to promote bigotry and let every male know that if they kill someone who was abused as a kid or is gay or black they will get away with it an overcome it with the help of their wife who worships them like gods because they are violent males.

That's what the movie does, the projection fallacy is needless in this case. :(


I honestly don't know what movie you saw or what hou read from me that produced your diatribe.

And as a matter of fact, I'm one of the least bigoted people on the face of this earth, and one who abhors violence, prejudice, intolerance, etc.


I was not targeting you, I was targeting the standard world citizen. Specially in USA and Latin America, that is exactly what Mystic River makes them feel, they don't over think it or analyze it, and I personally believe the author or director wanted that, otherwise the editing and soundtrack would of been extremely different.


Good doesn't always win in the battle with evil. Some bad guys get away with it. In life too. It's just a movie. Not every movie has to have a happy ending. Also, like life.


You are now ignored for being the biggest, *beep* idiot on IMDb and possibly the planet.


Wow, you're not the sharpest crayon in the box, aren't you?



My opinion on this kind of movies has changed since I watched Chinatown, there are ways to make this disgusting, gross movies, in a good respectable way that delivers an important message without sending away a violent dumb hedonistic bigot one, this movie didnt bother working out that part.


Did you watch half the movie with one eye shut?


Which one? Mística River?? Or chinatown? Chinatown is awesome, mystic River tríes hard
