MovieChat Forums > Mystic River (2003) Discussion > Watched for 2nd time & still one of dumb...

Watched for 2nd time & still one of dumbest endings ever

I mean, it is not as bad as the hack job they did in The Defarted's ending, but ...

Dave lucidly explains about what happened that night & then never says "I can show you where the body is." or some such thing. Nope. The author (who isn't one of the more intelligent townies born in Dawchestuh) just has Dave silently accept his "fate".

Quite dumb, though perhaps fitting for a melodrama like this.


silence, as in the kid pretending to be mute & the wife calling the cop and then not saying anything. So Dave's silence fits into the theme, which doesn't make it less dumb, just consistent.


"A bunch of us are going down to the Cantab ..." having been in the Cantab a couple of times that I can recall & a few more that I cannot.

Central Square RULES ! !

OK, enough of that.

Is the army surplus store still open in Central Square? Anybody? I bought my first bomber jacket there.


Dave lucidly explains about what happened that night & then never says "I can show you where the body is." or some such thing. Nope. The author (who isn't one of the more intelligent townies born in Dawchestuh) just has Dave silently accept his "fate".

Dave's explanation wasn't lucid at all because he wasn't of sound mind to begin with and on top of that drunk. When he talks about "the boy," Jimmy doesn't even know what he's talking about, so he has no reason to believe Dave during his few coherent moments. And if Dave's mind was together enough to say "I'll show you where I hid the body," they would assume it's just a tactic to buy time and possibly escape. Dave was going to be killed regardless of what he said or did at that point.
