MovieChat Forums > The Stepford Wives (2004) Discussion > I don't get why this movie is so hated!

I don't get why this movie is so hated!

It's one of my favorite movies. There are so many laugh-out-loud moments. It's a comedy; don't take it so seriously. I have never read the original or read the book, but even so, as a movie, it's really nowhere as bad as people make it out to be.

Barmaid! Bring me stronger ale, and some plump, succulent babies to eat!


The original was more feminism and this was not, at least not to the first movies degree. Whenever there is no gain from a movie where woman are supposed to win over men the feminist cry foul. That is where most of the complaints come from. They did not get to bash the guys as they enjoy. The movie was not very good but it did have some good parts for me.

They thing is it was a woman who mastered minded the whole thing. No guy to bash for them.


It's not a terrible movie. In fact, it's actually quite enjoyable. However, the reason I tend to dismiss it is because it takes some fairly powerful source material, and turns it into a light-hearted comedy. I would have preferred a more serious adaptation, and I think that's why a lot of others don't really care for it as well.


Radical feminists hated this movie and worked media magic to make it seem like most of the public disliked it. But I remember when it first came out at the movies it was getting great reviews.


It looks like you, R-Stones and I have similar tastes because this one is one of my personal favorite Walken movies, no joke either - it's on my lists. Now I have never seen the original or read the novel but I like this one, especially seeing as there is a friend of mine who is also a fan of it, mainly for the costumes.


This is a movie I watched as a kid, and I liked it but I forgot about it until I watched it today and it's pretty well-made, a lot of fun to watch as campy entertainment.


This movie is awful and I will tell you why. The original movie is considered a classic. It has a very good cast, good story and the final scene at the supermarket is just perfect. It is a horrifying premise to think that men would go to such lengths to have the perfect wive.

I went to see this on the first day of it's release. It was the first show and it was almost sold out. I was expected a different retelling of a thriller. Not to long into the movie I was very disappointed and found nothing funny about the thought of killing woman to make them robots. The end scene with the men in the supermarket was suppose to be fun. I found nothing funny about taking a classic scene from the original movie to make it something to laugh out. Almost everyone in the theater booed at the end, including me.


I enjoyed it! It has a similar appeal as Jawbreaker, But I'm a Cheerleader, etc. It's a modern camp classic. I actually think it's better that it wasn't the same satire as the original- why remake something the exact same way?


I don't think that people get that this is more of a spoof and not intended to be a remake of the original movie. I view this more as a comedy.


It doesn't work as either a comedy or a thriller. Okay, the first part was funny enough, but it fell apart as it went on. The second half is neither funny nor scary, and it doesn't make sense because as noted above - they can never make up their minds whether the women are robots or not.

It'd be totally forgotten today, if people didn't resent it for being a remake of a much better movie.


I agree. I enjoy this version as much as I enjoy the orginal. I mean this has more humor but I enjoy it for sure.
