MovieChat Forums > Coraline (2009) Discussion > any adults out there proud to say

any adults out there proud to say

That this movie scared them

I dont want to be the only wimp lol


I'm 24, and yep, it scared the holy hell out of me.

We can't go back, we must always go forward.


I'm 25 lol - XD

Lets build a snowman!


More intense than a lot of blatant gore-fests to be sure.



I was really creeped out, I found it to be disturbing so much that I had to stop watching it.


Stephen King once wrote that adults are much more susceptible to horror than children, because for the small ones, the world is already a weird and menacing place, where something behind the elevator's closed doors make strange noises and shadows move and twist like hurt animals.


I was more disturbed than scared...and I will never watch this movie again lol


Hahah, same here, found it surprisingly scary. This film scared me more than many gore classics like Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) has very little gore in it. I would never call it a gore classic...


I find the creep factor of this movie high. My 2 year old doesn't. It's her favorite movie. My 6 year old is scared.


I wouldn't say scared, but there are definitely parts that creeped me out.

I love this movie.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


It does have the creep factor. I think the reason it works is because it's from the perspective of a child.
