About the cat....

Is the cat in Coraline suppose to be the same cat from A Nightmare Before Christmas?


A cat who can travel between worlds. I won't say no, and I won't say yes.

Can't stop the signal.




can't remember but in the final scene they made it clear that this cat was more like jesus christ or something.


Haha what


you didn't notice? the very final scene of the movie watch the cat walking to the edge and disappearing behind something thin, it proves that the cat is magickal in the real world, which make her some kind of guardian angel to coraline from the beginning.


I noticed that and I agree that the cat is likely a guardian to Coraline

The what was to the Jesus Christ analogy xD


since i'm not a christian, they all mix up for me, jesus, guardian angels, holy ghost..


Yeah, I don't get the reference either. Magical yes, religious no.


i'm sure you can't tell the difference between magical and religious, i'm not sure that even emile durkheim can.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


Santa Claus, Easter bunny...


I'm a Christian and I think I get this. The Cat represents Jesus whilst the Beldam represents Satan. The Cat holds all the knowledge and truth about the Beldam, which she tries to suppress hence why she hates him so much. The Beldam exploits the flaws of her victims in order to lure and tempt them into a dream world that they always wanted but will never have but we know this is a lie since what she is really looking for is the destruction of their souls. The Cat continually warns Coraline throughout the movie about the dangers of temptation from the Beldam but Coraline ignores his warnings, just like how people ignore God these days and think they can know how to direct their own lives. Both Jesus and the Cat also both defeat their archenemies Satan/the Beldam at the end of the narrative that they are respectively set in.

I think this Bible verse perfectly fits the plot of Coraline.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"- Mark 8:36


Well I very much doubt it. Henry Selick only directed this movie. Neil Gamian wrote the book. It's mostly coincidence, as the cat appears in the book. Interesting theory though....


They look similar, except for eye-color. Henry Selick was production designer on Coraline, he could have made that one similar to Nightmare's cat. He may have had a say in the first one, but I think Tim Burton was the major artistic force there.

Was there anything in the Coraline story or dialogue suggesting the cat was multi-realm (beyond Coraline, that is)? Does the cat in Nightmare appear outside of Halloween Town? Probably not--there would have been no awareness of a future cat incarnation there. Burton probably didn't think of foreshadowing anything of Selick's, at that stage.

Nightmare cat: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=51076001
Coraline cat: http://image.invaluable.com/housePhotos/heritage/57/560457/H1042-L68765263.jpg
The story is king.
