I know it only made just over 40 million at the boxoffice... but most people loved it... and now the people who didn't rush to see the first time at the boxoffice realised what they missed the first time around. The Rock was just starting out and everyone saw Seann William Scott as Stifler still.... but now I think the people are ready!


A sequel would be great. Probably won't happen though.


That's true Staley... it's unfortunate... as i think i could be a fantastic franchise.


We do need a sequel. To bad it will never happen.



You can't say it will never happen. Dwayne Johnson said he's gonna start doin action and serious roles again once he's done with this Tooth Fairy stuff.

Are you thru? Not even close bud.
The breakfast club.


If theirs a sequel where should
It take place and who else would you cast??

Don't push it or ill give you a war
you won't believe
-first blood


Surely with Dwayne and Seann, with pirates in Somalia like place, and personally, would like to see Uma Thurman (Kill Bill) as the nice charismatic could be villain (could be not, ... ambiguity through the length of the movie), with Uma in position to start a fight with Dwayne, but, as some continuity line, always interrupted by the exterior events... While Travis would be leading a group of the pirates which, you are right, will turn side against him when he would have discover ... the Golden Calice of Priest John (a mythical historical figure). In the end, it would be Uma who leave with Seann, letting Beck in a very weird position (hey, need a sequel to the sequel)... The start of the movie could be LIKE for The Rundown, but with Uma, instead of Beck, to retrieve something, maybe from Travis ... to camp (all) the characters, it just happen that Beck was also trying to put his hands over the same something, but in a more friendly manner (options a and b)... Need also some comic parts, Uma did make her proof, as Seann and Dwayne, but without repeating the same jokes or the same circumstances in another place... while keeping the atmosphere, that is a chalenge.




in the deleted scenes they talk about a diamond, i forgot the name it has name of Chinese food, anyways the story would be them going after the diamond and being hunted by travis dad. Maybe Mariana can meet them there but I would think she would be busy with her people.

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."


No more sequels, EVER! One of the worst money grabbing tactics by the studio bigwigs is to make a sequel. Yes, some do work (James Bond, Dirty Harry) but most go from bad to worse (Fast & Furious)


Both the actors are doing other work and both are much older than when this movie came out. I think both are in their late forties now and being replaced by a younger crop of actors in their 20s and 30s. If you've seen G I Joe with the Rock in it, you would have noticed he doesn't do THAT much jumping and tumbling about as in this movie or the Mummy Returns and The Scorpion King. No matter how much you hate it, The Rock IS mortal and age is catching up with him.

So I don't think we'll have them both back on board for a sequel because even if they do somehow get back on board, the world has changed and the storyline should change accordingly and I don't think they can do justice to it.

Just enjoy this movie as a one off movie and don't hope for more ala The Transporter or Crank. Just won't happen!


Yeah I agree it probably won't happen, but I would love it if they did! This is still one of the Rock's best movies. Friggin' awesome 10 years later!

A little bit of thunder? A little bit of lightening?



After 11 years I doubt it.

Its that man again!!


Holy Sh!t... has it been that long??? 11 years!!!

Holy Sh!t... I can't believe I started this thread in 2009!!! 6 years ago!!!

Man, I'm getting old.


Well hey, our wish is almost granted!

Peter Berg wants to do a sequel to this movie, as does Dwayne Johnson. The catch is, Peter Berg would love to have Jonah Hill aboard, and has stated that he would instantly do the sequel if Jonah Hill agreed to star in it.

The Rundown 2, here we come!


Yeah, this movie was one of the best performances for Sean William Scott and was the platform that helped catapult The Rock and Rosario Dawson to superstar status. Was a good movie, and I guess the reason it didn't pull in so much was bc of limited release, or bc people wrote it off as a wrestling movie.
