MovieChat Forums > The Animatrix (2003) Discussion > Could the humans have won the war?

Could the humans have won the war?

Could the humans have won the war against the machines, and destroyed 01? With different tactics, would victory be possible? What if they anticipated the nuclear weapons not having an effect on 01, and instead gathered every artillery piece and tank they had, and just shelled 01? There had to have been a way to defeat the machines, or at least stalemate the war and prevent defeat.


By the time the humans were thinking of starting the war, the machines would of amassed such a ridiculously superior intelligence that it would be like fighting against robotic magicians.

I drink your milkshake! I drink it up! - Daniel Plainview


If only they decided to call a truce when the male and female robotic ambassadors came to the UN...


no they keep making errors like hilary clinton would do, such as thinking blocking out the sun would deactivate them. Also they do 2 many stupid things in general so no.
