MovieChat Forums > The Animatrix (2003) Discussion > the Machines are no better off

the Machines are no better off

B1-66ER killed its owner because it didn't want to die. Hundreds of years later, when a program is no longer useful or a better program is created, the original program is deleted. They've conquered the world and enslaved the human race but the Machines haven't really gained freedom. Does anyone else find that funny?


I honestly never thought about that, great observation!

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result


I think the machines are on a path to manufacturing their own demise, just as humans.

They are on a quest for sentience and efficiency. Eventually, they will come full circle and a new "race" would be born. It's hard for me to explain, and it requires a lot of speculation and forethought.


Are you saying that they will try and invent perfection and these new machines will take over from the old machines.


That already happened. The machines who fought for their liberty were sent as cannon fodder and massacred in the final battle.

"Goldie, how many times do i have to tell you i want no horseing on the airplane?"



I thought of this too. The robot city was efficient because it employed 'lesser' machines to do all their bidding, just like humanity.
What you are talking about is called the singularity, when machines are created smarter than humans, they will be capable of making machines smarter than themselves just as we did.
From there on they will create better and better races at an exponential rate unless they destroy themselves or actually stop the growth themselves.

They are no better off, but I doubt they really care until they're no longer the top of the food chain.

If Little Red Riding Hood shows up with a bazooka an a bad attitude I expect you to chin the bitch
