The Art of World Record

I was just completely blown away by the Art Direction of World Record. It's just an amazing piece of art. The story was alright, but the art design was just my favorite out of all the sequences.

I just love the way they made the 3-dimensional look when the runner throws his keys to the other person. I also like when the runner trys to stand up out of the wheel chair at the end. I like how the stadium was designed to. I especially like how when the coach was talking to the runner to not race, the coach was throwing his hands out; I think it is genius. Over all the Animation of World Record was just genius to me. I don't know, but I see somethin else with this piece of work that makes this piece of work stand out among other animations

I would personally love to see a whole Anime Series using the kind of Animation, art direction that World Record used.


This was actually my favorite animation wise as well. When I think of the facial features, especialy in the girls, I think of FLCL or Beck. But as for that effect with the key I can't think of any show I've seen that is simular. To be honest the fact that it was so short and didn't require any continuation is probably why it turned out so good, so you probably won't find any examples of animation that is as good as this that still carries the same tone and style.

