
I find this movie ironic, it sounds silly but I've watched this movie since it came out, but only recently I've been obsessed with River Phoenix, and for those who understand where I'm coming from - do you find this movie a lot more emotional, as if Joaquin put a lot of his experience into this? I don't know - it just clicked in my head as if it were true...



I don't think that's ironic.

But yes, Joaquin does play it very emotionally.

Can't stop the signal.


I honestly don't remember posting this, oh my gosh.

Totally agree, I probably didn't mean ironic. I don't know. Things in my head never come out right written down. I thought it was pretty deep and if not intentional it still added depth to the story, that is if you know the River situation. :-)


I seem to recall that River Phoenix OD'd on drugs after a night of clubbing.

It's not the same actor.


Yes, River Phoenix and Joaquin Phoenix are brothers. I'm just saying that because River died from OD'ing I thought the role for Joaquin had something about it, as if it was a subtle reminder of his brother.

Sorry for any confusion.


Not to mention that Joaquin was with River when he collapsed outside the Viper Room. If you listen to the 911 call, you can hear the desperation and sadness in his voice:



Edit: I did think of that when I first saw the movie. I think that most actors drawn on their own experiences, but probably not consciously, though.

Who wants to live forever?
