MovieChat Forums > Brother Bear (2003) Discussion > I wish all hunters would have such an ex...

I wish all hunters would have such an experience

Hunters really do not see animals as intelligent and emotional. But they are. And the fact that someone enjoys killing anything for fun is disturbing. So I think it would be great if every hunter experienced life through an animal's eyes.


I agree. It's impossible for me to understand how people can kill animals for fun and simply see it as "sport."


Completely agree. I have always hated hunters and poachers who kill animals just for the sport of it. Where is the enjoyment in taking an innocent creature's life? It's sickening to think people enjoy that or find it entertaining. It would be great if all hunters who kill for the sport of it would be turned into the animals they killed and then be hunted themselves, then they would learn the terror of being chased.



im not much for game hunting but to think that terrorizing hunts are natural in the animal kingdom you are mistaken.


What a load of crap.

Most hunters hunt for food. Only a tiny minority of idiots just go out to kill things. These people are despised by many actual hunters.

And if you eat meat, shut up. Just the height of hypocrisy. It's fine and dandy to raise an animal in a pen it's entire life, jack it up on anti-biotics so it doesn't die, and confine it to a 3 year life span of misery (if it's a cow) then kill it for food - but shoot a deer that's been wild and 8 years old, and suddenly you're a heartless killer.


You people need to visit a factory farm and see just what you pay for and what you're responsible for.


While you come across like a jaded jack ass, I agree with the "point" you're trying to make.

Hunters that kill to sustain their families is one thing, but "hunters" that kill game for pleasure are pretty deplorable.

"Everything could've been anything else, and it would have just as much meaning."


I agree 100% with Ricky gervais' quote for this...

"Sport is fair. If hunting was a sport the animal would have a gun too. If it doesn't you can't call yourself a sportsman. Just a c^^t."

Do the *beep* snow angel, Dude!, Do the *beep* snow angel!


in the time period of this movie, and in some parts of the world hunting is necessary to survive. i do not care to hunt because it is not not needed for me to eat. but don't knock all hunters because for some they to need to feed their families. even if they can reach a grocery store, hunting can be a cheaper alternative for a large supply of food.


I agree with that. But those hunters have a deep respect for animals. They usually apologize for killing them, thank them for their meat. And they use every part of the animal to survive. I despise hunters who do it for fun and not out of necessity.


Exactly. If you have to hunt to feed your family, if hunting is necessary, than by all means do it. But there is absolutely no excuse for killing an animal if it is done for "entertainment" or for the enjoyment of the hunter. It's those hunters, the ones who kill for the sheer, sick enjoyment of it (Sarah Palin, anyone?) who need to be turned into the creatures they mercilessly slaughtered.



Yeah...the World was a much better place before humans came along and invented hunting.


I think people knocking hunters is hilarious. Most of you still eat meat, you just hate everyone who gets it for you.

Wait? What's that you say? Farms are a more humaine alternative? I'll bet you didn't feel that way after the last time you watched Charlotte's Web, with the villanous Farmer fiendishly sending his livestock to the slaughterhouse. Besides, is a short lifetime in captivity better than a natural life in the wild, free from cages, hormone therapy, and early seperation from offspring? The fact that their lives may be cut short in order to feed a creature higher up the food chain is a fact of nature that predates humanity by many millions of years.

I am Jack's IMDb post.


Okay, if you actually read our posts from above, you would see that we said we believe hunting is acceptable for when it's necessary, for instance, when people hunt to get meat to eat. What we don't like is seeing people hunt just for sport, for the sheer entertainment and thrill of killing another living creature.



i agree.


KTope is probably your typical right wing hunting advocate. Who hears what he wants to hear (or, what Rush Limbaugh tells him). Kills animals for sport, so he can brag to his drinking buddies about the 12-pointer mounted on his wall; then goes to church on Sunday so he can feel like a good Christian.



Oh do the world a favor and get eaten by a bear please.


That was an intelligent, well thought out, response.


No. "Nonvegans really do not see animals as intelligent and emotional. But they are."

You don't need to be killing animals either, you do it because it's pleasurable for you to eat their flesh and secretions. You (pay to) kill for fun. It's the same.

Killing/enslaving animals is never necessary. If you care at all about animals, you go vegan. Otherwise you're a hypocrit.


I am a meat-eater, have been all my life and will probably be one until the day I die.

However, I do feel very strongly that animals should NOT be killed just for fun, and I feel that animals should be treated humainly while still alive and not be made to suffer needlessly. If you do kill an animal it should only be either because you intend to eat it (or serve to others so they can eat it) or if your life depends on it, like if you're being attacked by a crocodile and you have a shotgun.

I also find it funny that some people claim to be vegitarians, yet have no problem eating fish. If you eat fish but don't eat any animal that breathes air, fine, but don't call yourself a vegitarian. Fish are animals everybit as much as anything that walks on land or flies in the air.

In the movie Kenai kills the bear out of anger over the death of this brother. Because he acted out of vengence instead of killing for food or in self-defense, the spirits saw fit to punish him by turning him into that which he hated.


IMHO i think it is poachers who should be turned into an animal. hunters hunt to keep overpopulation from happening. it is better to die from a bullet than from starving.
Although i can agree with you on the rest


I can't agree with that because a lot of hunters do it for the pleasure and I personally don't agree that nature needs to be regulated by people. If nothing else animals that die from starvation die from natural selection while humans usually kill the healthiest animals to have better trophies.


Actually hunters have to have licenses and have to pay for what they can hunt. The hunters also know that their money they pay goes to nature reservations, etc. The animals can handle itself was always a myth. The dinosaurs became extinct and we never interferred, such as the Allosaurus, and Spinosaurus. You are confusing hunting with poaching.


I wish all people who kill other people and/or earthlings :3 would have such an experience! It would be enlightening for nations at war to see things from the other nation's POV, and realize that killing is a vicious cycle… But, alas, all problems arise from the lack of empathy :|


You forgot one thing killing is a vicious natural cycle.


Well, yeah, for animals (survival etc. explained in previous posts). Humans nowadays aren't NATURALLY inclined to kill (unless in self-defense), right? :d


You forgot another thing. Humans ARE animals. Were are placed in the category of mammals. Just because we are superior than any other animal when it comes to brains does not exclude us out of being animals. Animals are a part of nature and our species are animals. Humans have been hunting since the very beginning, and now all of a sudden it is considered evil to hunt. Hunting helps both humans and the other animals. What Kenie did in this movie was poaching NOT hunting.


Poaching is killing an animal to sell it later on. He wasn't intending to sell the bear, he was only fueled by pure violence and revenge.


Since humans are not natural predators and since we do not need to hunt animals to survive it's absolutely revolting to do it for fun. The fact that someone has fun by killing another creature is in it's essence sadism.


Since humans are not natural predators

Some would argue that humans are the most advanced predators the world has ever known. We are capable of killing nearly every other living thing on Earth; and we're working on ways to kill the ones we can't kill yet.

I'm your Huckleberry.


Naturally we are simply not predators. Which is why our bodies can't handle the large quantaties of meat we comsume.


People do hunt each other... it's called war.


Killing them for "sport" is one thing... I mean it's debatable whether animals really are as sentient as humans or not, but to a certain extent, humans win the sentience battle. That's our only privilege.

Meanwhile, killing for survival (i.e., food) is completely justifiable.
