I hate Jenny BUT

I'm watching the series for the first time and I'm am almost through season 6 and I have to say I cannot stand Jenny but she is hilarious! I liked her in the beginning, and although she has become insufferable, I find some of her temper tantrums hilarious.


She does have some memorable moments. Funny as she could be it just never felt very genuine to me, the way that she essentially went through a character transformation wihout (in my mind) the appropriate steps in character development to go through said transformation, it almost felt like character assassination, where one Jenny was gone and another emerged.

I get the sense when whatching "Hollywood Jenny" that Mia Kirshner seems to enjoy playing the character that way, chewing scenery (and gum , that she spits at will).

I do recall a talk show appearance by Kirshner (Craig Killborn maybe?) where Kirsher refred to her character as "The annoying one" which seems to echo some of the feeling certain fans have towards Jenny.


Ps: There is a semi-unintentional pun in this reply. :)


I totally agree. There definitely was a lack of development. She went from being a sweet "off the farm" type, to a complete bitch, then plain off her rocker. As I said though, the off her rocker was entertaining :)
