MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > Question about the name 'Ivan Aycock'

Question about the name 'Ivan Aycock'

I'm a new watcher of the L Word, was catching the later eps on Shotime marathon, then went back to beginning w On Demnd, just starting S2. So...First of all, I think Kelly Lynch does a great job plaint Ivan, loved the Mink DeVilke lip synch where we first meet her (I say 'her' because Ivan seems like a butch lesbian as opposed to a F2M TS/man trapped in a woman's body). About the name, though...

The name seems like a joke - I v(w)an(t) A_cock) - is this a name somebody like Ivan would take in real life (she is a bit of a performer after all, seems the lip syncing was a regular thing, so maybe it's a sort-of stage name), or is it an in-joke by the writers/creators of the L Word?


I believe it is a stage name for performances. I was always under the impression that Ivan identified as male specifically due to Ivan's strong reaction to Kit seeing the prostethic.



Yo are correct about Ivan identifying as male. I should have realized from the reaction you mentioned, but it definitely became clear to me when I watched the following episode right after I posted. So I should have said 'him'.

He really cut the flirtation with Kit OFF, lol. Felt bad for Kit because she doesn't know about that stuff....but she shouldn't have just walked in either.


Because Ivan wants to maintain the fantasy that he is a biological male, I'd think he'd want a name that didn't denote the reality of his situation. But what do I know?


It is possible that the "Aycock" portion of the name is a stage name for performances.

Maybe Ivan started a drag King/perfrmance art career as a way of finding himself and as a pathway to self-realisation and "Ivan Aycock" was the punny stage name he chose for the onstage character he created as a way of inhabiting a male identity in the pursuit of his rue identity.

When/If Ivan decides to change his legal name I doubt "Aycock" will be a part of it.

