Shane vs. Ruby Rose

So Orange is the New Black has this new character played by Aussie celeb Ruby Rose, who absolutely reminds me of Shane/Kate — you know, gorgeous androgynous woman everybody's crushing on.

In your opinion, who's hotter: Shane or Ruby Rose? 

Life is short. Death is long.


Ruby Rose. I think she is more beautiful than Kate.


Ruby Rose. I think she is more beautiful than Kate.

Really? But Shane is so smooth...! 

Life is short. Death is long.


They are both so different...apples and oranges, yo! Lol


They are both so different...apples and oranges, yo! Lol

Word. 

However, the moment I saw this Ruby Rose woman, she actually reminded me a lot of Shane.

Life is short. Death is long.


Ruby is a try hard Shane haha! Not to mention Ruby is a horrendous actor (although IMO Kate Moennig was probably the weakest actor on TLW too, but still much better than Ruby), but damn does Ruby have a nice face.


Shane's my chick I'm in love with her.
