MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > Does this show somehow diss heteros?

Does this show somehow diss heteros?

I am hetero myself and I enjoyed this show a lot. But I dislike how somehow it almost seems as if hetero people are bad. It's like every hetero person they meet is a complete jerk (except for Kit of course).
Alice used to be bi and I did not get why they would change that. Nothing wrong with being bi just as nothing wrong with being gay or straight.
Tina cannot be a part of the group anymore because she dates a man? Yes, I see how she hurt Bette but Bette also hurt Tina (first) and the girls did not have a problem with still hanging out with her after.
Kit finally meets the man of her dreams and of yourse he has to do drag. I don't have anything against drag but it just seems weird that again it could not just be a "normal" man.
This show was really popular and thus there was the chance to make people see that it does not matter if you are straight, bi, gay, transgender or whatever. Instead it seems like it makes it seem bad to have common sexual preferences which is stupid and a shame.


I don't know. I didn't really feel dissed. Kit represented the straight community in a positive light. Obviously, the show had an agenda, but I think that's just how people really act and, in certain situations, it's just friends *beep* together. They're rich people living in LA; they weren't meant to be an all accepting, non judgmental group. Remember how they reacted to Max at first?


I don't think the purpose of the show was "to make people see that it does not matter if you are straight, bi, gay, transgender or whatever." It was a show about lesbians living in LA. I think it's most interesting that we (as straight people) see a show that focuses on non-straight people and say, "Hey, what about us?!" We should really be examining our need to center our experiences as straight people. It's okay for there to be a show about lesbians that doesn't focus on straight people or make sure there's an equal distribution of straight and gay people. It's almost always about us, so I'm fine with there being just a few shows/movies out there that don't.

I didn't feel dissed watching this show. The only time I found it to be offensive toward men was the episode where Bette gets all grossed out about Sunset Boulevard (Kit's boyfriend) using her bathroom. She makes it sound as though all men (not just straight men) are disgusting pigs, and I thought that was a bit unkind.


I never said I had any problem with this show not being about straight people. I only said that I disliked how all of them (except for Kit) where portrayed.


I'm not sure about my opinion, because I don't live in West Hollywood, but I think it's a look into that part of LA which is predominantly gay.

I lived the Chicago gay scene years back. Separatists are gay women who abhor hetero men's lifestyle and some hate both hetero and the male homosexual lifestyle.

Alice and Jenny seem to be the two characters on the show who are coming into their own. I dislike Bette the most. She's snobby, arrogant, bitchy and WAY too controlling. I don't know how Tina puts up with her. Jenny is just crazy.

Most of my gay women friends aren't uptight about gender. We're all like, "live and let live." Who gives a s**t who you love? Just love and enjoy. I dislike separatists - they are way too militant.

 What??!!
