MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > Lisa the Male Lesbian?

Lisa the Male Lesbian?

Quick reminder, there was a guy named Lisa in the early seasons, who briefly dated Alice. He claimed to be a male lesbian, even going so far as to say his cycle synced up with lesbians.

My question is: do you think this concept is real? Do you know any self-professed male lesbians, or guys who basically fit the bill?

*Nyan Cat, LGBT Rainbow of Infinity!


This was based on an actual existing person who had the same thing right? It seems a little weird to me. Never heard of it apart from the L Word.


Oh? There is a loosely theorized concept of a male lesbian, if you look online you can find it. It seems contradictory but makes sense if you read into it.

*Nyan Cat, LGBT Rainbow of Infinity!



Well, it seems he's a woman trapped in a man's body -- but the woman is a lesbian. That kind of threw me. But his actions are so Lesbian. LOL. I can believe that it exists. I don't think he's straight, and infiltrating the Lesbian world at all.

Cool Character. The actor does a good job portraying him(her).

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


I think it exists. I saw Lisa as someone that liked women that liked other women. Lisa seemed to only date Lesbians and he only had sexual encounters with lesbians in ways that did not involve his male anatomy . For instance:Some of you might recall him feeling violated when being felated by Alice and telling her he did not want to make love to her that way(use his penis).

Now of course it is possible that Lisa is a lesbian woman trapped in a male body, but I see no reason for why he would refer to himself as "Lesbian Man" nstead of "Trans lesbian woman" for example, if he did not indeed feel like a Lesbian male.

The concept can be difficult for some to comprehend, but I personally believe that it is entierely possible and Lisa is probably not simply a work of fiction but that there are most likely some out there tat share Lisa's sexual identity and can ideentify with Lisa.

just my thoughts



It was a bit weird for me. There are women who like the company of (often pretty stereotypical?) gay men and love that life and they often say that if they were men, they would be gay - but they still consider themselves to be straight women. I personally think lesbian is just a label for women (trans or by birth) who like other women and if you identify as a man/male, you're just not a lesbian - no matter how much you'd like to hang around/have sex with them. But each on their own, if someone really sees himself as a "male lesbian" and is happy with that, good for them!


He is a male that identifies as female, and is attracted to females. Pretty simple actually, lol. It's shown that he doesn't few comfortable using his penis.


