MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > WTH was Ivan's deal with Kat seeing her ...

WTH was Ivan's deal with Kat seeing her fake dick??

And what the hell was it for anyway? Just for keeping the private area as much like male as could be (in the same way she was binding her chest) or is it for actually using on a woman which lends the need to ask "Does that mean she would have preferred being a male but since she can't in the real sense of the word or by surgical means, she is doing the next possible thing?


Ivan identified as male. With this in mind,Ivan probably wanted to, as much as he possibly could, make himself appear as manly as he felt that he was. The strapon was in this case (I belive) used in order for Ivan to feel like he had a penis down there, to make him look and feel more like a man. For Kit to see the strapon would mean that Kit would know that Ivan was not biologically male,the reason for Ivan's response could be a number of things:

He (Ivan) did not want Kit to know that he was not completeley biologically a male, perhaps he thought he was doing a great job at passing and that the strapon would ruin it.

2. He was not ready to tell Kit yet about him living as a man but being born a woman and this happened to soon.

3. The strapon reminds him that he is lacking a piece of anatomy to make him feel complete and this upsets him, especially in the way that Kit found out.(Do not misunderstand me, I am not of the persuasion that one needs a penis to be a man or bre considered male as far as one's gender is concerned, I am just suggesting a possible reason for Ivan's reaction.)

Besides these reasons , there could be several others that could explain why he reacted the way you did.

I am not entirely sure what you meant when you are using the words "Real sense":

Does that mean she would have preferred being a male but since she can't in the real sense of the word or by surgical means, she is doing the next possible thing?

what is the "Real Sense" ?

Ivan identified as male, had done so his entire life and wanted to live his life as a man. Ivan is a man, a man that happened to be born with the biological sex of a female, but a man no less. In regards to surgery , as far as I know there are surgies that can help recreate male genatalia on people in transition. Here is a link to The National Center for Biotechnology Information on the subject



I totally agree with what you wrote, but there is just one thing that I can't fit in with this.

When Kit and Ivan first met, Ivan was dressed as a man. However when they met for coffee Ivan was in a femme mode with long hair etc.

When Ivan first appeared there was no problem with switching from drag to femme/soft butch.

Personally I think the writers changed Ivan's character between seasons, from someone who preferred to dress in drag, but wasn't ashamed of their biological gender, to the person we saw freak out. However if there is another way of looking at this, I would love to hear that.


Real sense as in born that way


Ok I see.
were you familiar with Transexuality/Transgenderism etc prior to watching this show? I don't mean to ask that in any condecending way , I am just genuinely wondering, because people who are trans may take offence to the way you expressed it (In regards to "Real" etc).

Did you feel like any of your questions in your OP was answered in my reply?


Yes, I have been to tranny shows along the lines of what is in the movie "Soldier's Girl" which I absolutely LOVE!!
I am a straight, celibate female who developed a crush on Shane's character, LOL and who IRL "wonders" about other women but in no way on earth can see herself engaging in sex activity with another woman.
Yes, your answers made sense.


Tranny shows?! The hell? Do you mean Drag Queen shows?


If that is the word for them, yes.


Seriously? Why are you here?

Life's a bitch, but god forbid the bitch divorce me


I felt like it had more to do with Ivan courting Kit and trying to get her comfortable with the whole idea of her identifying as a male and dating her as a male... then all that progress kind of fell to pieces and Ivan felt like the "image" was shattered for Kit perhaps. I mean it's not like Ivan couldn't afford gender reassignment surgery, he was making great money with his car restoration service.

I think after that Ivan was just uncomfortable with the whole situation-- which sucked because I liked them together!

Don't mistake the fact that we haven't set you on fire in your sleep for trust- Damon


I completely agree. Ivan sometimes didn't dress as manly and was very deliberate in courting Kit. Kit knew Ivan was a woman but was trying to reconcile her attraction.


Third. The fact that Ivan was biologically female and they both knew it was kind of the elephant in the room.

You're a sexual Disneyland.


I have to agree with this. I think with Ivan courting Kit the way that he was, he was clearly a bit old-fashioned, shall we say, and was just... put off and uncomfortable that she saw so many sort of intimate things when they weren't, in his mind, that far along. What was hard for me to understand though, was that Ivan gave Kit a key, so one would think that he wouldn't mind her seeing it, but his reaction proved otherwise.

I was also sad about it though, I thought he was an interesting character, whether he was with Kit or not.


It's just odd that Ivan would give kit a key and not expect her to use it. If he wanted to not be found out he could have been more careful.


It had been established that Ivan was a woman living as a man and Kit knew it. She met him for coffee a day after the encounter at the club and saw her in her natural state. She knew he was in drag as a man, in a drag show, in a lesbian club. Bette told her that Ivan was a woman.

I think the thing was that Kit "invaded" his private space, seeing her nude and the illusion was now gone, so was the male image that Ivan was giving off, which would have turned Kit off. As a man, he was doing a good job of seducing her.

that's just my take.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


do not give a key out, then


Of course Ivan wanted to be seen as male and be as male as possible. I think the reason that Ivan got so upset after Kit saw the strap on penis is because as a male....his member is a thing of pride and I think it's how....if a straight girl walked in on a straight guy in the bathroom and saw his thingie and he had a micro-penis or something....he would be horrified and embarrassed and maybe never talk to her again even if it didn't bother her because it would be something he was self conscious about and Kit seeing the piece completely separate from Ivan's body is similar in that it points out that he doesn't have a small penis.....he has no penis....for a guy....that's the ultimate embarrassing moment.

This line of text confuses me on everyone's posts as it is usually unrelated to the topic at hand...
