MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > Very realistic show...

Very realistic show...

25 year-old hot sexy, effeminate chicks who "have sex" all the time ? yeah, that's your average lesbian right there. This show is pure garbage. Shallow, unintersting, and aesthetically very ugly. How they managed to make 6 seasons without being cancelled is beyond me.

Tell your brother he's on my to-do list, right after 'inserting needles into my cock'.


I'm guessing you watched half an episode? Lol who the eff is supposed to be 25 in the show?! HAHA!


It's mentioned by Rosanna Arquettes character that Shane is 25 in season 1.


Almost every character on that show reminds me of a lesbian or bisexual woman I know. I've never met lesbians like Nikki, Nadia (Bette's TA) AND Catherine though they don' remind me of bisexual women I've met. This show is set in LA where people generally are very glamorous including lesbians. In my experience people who don't think this show is very realistic don't have much experience of gay culture.

Besides the doctors on ER aren't your average doctors, but does anyone care about that? Exactly.


The Two women that created The L word alongside Chaiken made it very clear in an interview with that it was not a show about the lesbian community as a whole or that it was meant to highlight an entire subculture. They clearly said that it focused on "a subculture within a subculture" meaning the focus of the show was a specific group of lesbian women who socialized in certain circles in certain parts of LA. I've never considered this show to be some sort of window into the everyday lives of the average gay woman in America. But hey, different strokes for different folks, this show isn't for everybody.



I'd hate to see your opinion on Queer as Folk.


Are you even a lesbian, if so, what faction to you belong to?

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
