MovieChat Forums > The L Word (2004) Discussion > What I loathed about Bette in Season 1's...

What I loathed about Bette in Season 1's finale

When she basically tries to "rape the love back" into Tina. If that had been a man, who else would have been screaming "RAPIST"?!


That scene confused me soooo much at first lol. I didn't feel like it was rape (especially when Tina angrily responds in kind), but the sheer and total desperation in Bette's actions and face made me so uncomfortable and I think they did a really good job with that. I mean throughout the entire season we hear of their sexual problems and all of that, and Tina & Bette handled the miscarriage in such different ways, I knew a train wreck was coming.

I wish the affair hadn't happened because it definitely changed the tone of their entire relationship, but at the same time, it put them both through their paces in very interesting ways.

Don't mistake the fact that we haven't set you on fire in your sleep for trust- Damon


I really hated that this was brushed aside so casually. It really did start out like an attempted rape with a lot of emotional manipulation, which got to me.

You're a sexual Disneyland.


The first time I saw that scene I cringed. It was hard to watch (it still is), but that's the strong drama and tone that Ilene was going for. Although, the story was disturbing it was well written and the acting was even better.

~Silence is Golden and duct tape is Silver~


I don't think we'd call that rape. It was more of a passionate and desparate move to snap Tina out of her anger stage.

besides, Tina did go along with it.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


It was definitely strange that Bette basically forced herself on Tina and it's never mentioned again, wtf. I saw a clip with J Beals and she said that was one of her fave scenes! Lol! It is certainly an intense scene, I can't even imagine filming something like that.


I find that scene to be the single most powerful scene in the entire series. There are so many emotions there, desperation,despair,love,hate,arousal,sadness etc etc. I can understand why Jennifer Beals found the scene to be so special.

I never saw the scene as an attempted rape, rather as a desperate attempt by Bette to connect with Tina, I think the scene also shows everything that was wrong with their relationship at that point and the love/hate that they were feeling for eachother.

A very emotionally exhasuting scene that is both hard to watch due to its heavy content, and from an acting standpoint, impressive to behold.

It is hard to say how I would have reacted if the characters had been male since I feel the scene was very connected to those specific characters.

I don't see the scene as rape primarily due to Tina's reaction to Bette's actions and the events that follow. Both characters seem to find the experience to be very conflicting in certain ways, but neither of them appear to be in the initial situation against their own will, as indicated by what happens onscreen.

