Favorite Season

I've watched all five seasons and am almost done with the last (6th) season, and I have to say, the 6th season may be my favorite! I hear a lot about people saying the show went downhill after Dana died, or it got worse later on, but I'm really really enjoying this season, for a few reasons.

1) There aren't any characters I can't stand, or they're not in the season as much (ie: no/not as much Jodi, Carmen, Angus, Papi, Molly, Adele) - in the past there was always a main story arc with a character I disliked and this season there aren't any. I've even warmed up to Max.

2) I LOVE seeing Bette and Tina happy together! We kinda saw them happy in the first few seasons occasionally, and I honestly didn't expect them to get back together and thought they were better apart, but it's great to see them actually working out now. And I love seeing Bette loosened up too, she seems to laugh more and just have an overall sense of ease, whereas in the past she was way controlling and stressed. I also love how Tina has finally grown a backbone... there's still some anger with them, but towards others, like the scene where she freaks out at her coworkers at the restaurant, SO GOOD.

3) Helena's return - I love her and it's so nice to see her relationship starting to work - the episode where they spy on Dylan, it's situations like this that are fun, funny, and I love to watch. Also helping Kit with the club!

4) Jenny is yes, annoying, but I feel like it's more balanced out this season. Whereas last season she returned as a diva, that extreme side of her has lessened, and while she is still very frustrating, Shane brings her down to earth. I really like watching them together, as unhealthy of a relationship it might be, I'm interested to see how far it will go, and what the outcome will be! Well, I guess I know... haha.

5) Alice finally screaming at Jenny.

So yeah! I feel like this season may not be as serious as the previous, but I feel it's isn't taking itself as seriously and it's funner and lighter, in a way. It's really great to see so many relationships falling into place, too, and the relationships that aren't going so well are interesting and entertaining to watch!


My favorite season is 5 (excellent season), least favorite was 6. I won't necessarily say that the show went bad after Dana died....because they had 3 more seasons after her death. In my opinion she did not make the show (although I loved Dana too) Bette did.

~Silence is Golden and duct tape is Silver~
